Mystery Person

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                                                                                     Zendaya's Profile 

??: Glad you could make it Daya

Me: Why would I miss out on lunch (hugs the mystery person) so what did you need 

??: I just wanted to hang out with you I missed you 

Me: Aww thank you Spencer 

Spencer: You welcome 

Me: So what did you want to talk about 

Spencer: I was wondering if I could get the job 

Me: You have to ask Jacky too not just me 

Spencer: I will there is someone esle who wants to see you

Me: Who 

??: (hugs Zendaya from behide) 

Me: (turns around and sees Bella) OMG I missed you so much 

Bella: I missed you too 

Me: I haven't seen you 

Bella: I know we need to talk just us girls 

Me: Ya we should 

Bella: I also what the job 

Me: I would hire you but you also have to ask Jacky 

Bella: I will but tomorow and I have seen your youtube videos they are amazing you have to get signed somewhere

Me: I ain't that good

Spencer: You are 

Me: I could agure with you all day

Bella: So can I but I have to go Daya

Me: Oh that sucks 

Spencer: But you have me 

Me: Ya I know

Bella: Well I will text you (hands Bella her number) 

Me: Ok bye (gives Bella a hug) 

Spencer: So its just you and me 

Me:Ya I know so 

Spencer: So how is your boyfriend 

Me: Um we broke up 

Spencer: Why 

Me: Because we can 

Spencer: Ok whatever 

Me: Well it's getting late I have to go (hugs Spencer) 

Spencer: Bye Daya (kisses Zendaya's cheeck) 

I left and got in the car I rented. I got to the hotel and got the thing so I could open the door. I went inside and I saw Jacky watching T.V. 

Me: Hi Jacky

Jacky: Hi Zendaya

Me: I meet up with two people 

Jacky: Who 

Me: Two friends of mine named Soencer and Bella 

Jacky: O cool

Me: They both wanted a job but I told them they have to talk to you first 

Jacky: O when are they going to talk to me 

Me: I think tomorow 

Jacky: O ok 

Me: Ya so what to do 

Jacky: I have no clue lets go swimming 

Me: Ya

So we changed it our swim suits and went swimming. We had fun. We kinda had a water fight. We kept throwing water at each other. I had fun. Then we had to leave. We went to the hotel room and changed and feel asleep. 

The Next Day 

I woke up and saw on Instgram that I got new followers. I never knew Austin followed me. So does Justin. This is so cool. I am so happy. I looked thourgh Instgram to see anything new. Then I got up and went to take a shower. I did my make up and hair and looked like this Jacky woke up and said good moring I aslo said good moring of course. She took a shower and I took a selfie and captioned it: Bored what to do. Jacky finally got out of the shower and got ready she looked like this We went to get breakfeast.

Ok guys sorry for the short chapter and not updating in a long time. I just have been busy. Well I also wanted to explain things. Jacky and Haley are in a long summer vaction just saying. I am going to explain how old people are ok. 

Justin Bieber- 19 almost 20 

Austin Mahone- 17 almost 18

Jacky- 14 almost 15

Haley- 15 almost 16

Zendaya- 17 almost 18

James- 20 almost 21 

I changed some of their ages for the book. If you want to know more peoples ages just comment and I will tell you there age. I hope you guys liked this chapter. And again sorry for not updating. 




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