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                                                                                   Victoria's Profile

I felt our lips touch. I never felt like this. I never thought this would happened I just thought we were going to be friends. The kiss probably lasted 5 minutes.

                                                                             After the kiss 

Justin: Sorry about that 

Me: It is ok

Justin: I need to ask you something 

Me: What is it 

Justin: Ok  here goes nothing Would you like to be my girlfriend?

Me: Yes I would love to be your girlfriend

Justin: Really how about I take you out for dinner

Me: Ok let me just get ready

Justin: Ok and me too

I was wearing this outfit http://www.polyvore.com/vj/set?id=96849925. Justin was wearing this http://www.polyvore.com/jb/set?id=96850444. I thought he looked cute. 

Justin; Hi babe you look really pretty today

Me: Thanks honey you look cute

Justin: Thanks lets go if  you are ready

Me: I am ready

                                                                                 Jacky's Profile

Breaking News- Justin is not dead we got confused. So the tour is starting today. So everyone don't be worried.

I was happy to hear the news. So I well call my friends to tell them this amazing news I am so happy.

Me: Guys what guys Justin is alive

Haley and Maddy: Yes I am so happy

Me: I know can you guys come over

Haley and Maddy: Yes

Me: I will wait  bye

Haley and Maddy: bye

                                                                                      Justin's Profile

She looked so pretty right now. I so want to kiss her. She is so nice that is why I love her. I still don't know why Marcus just left her. So I thought I should call my friend Marcus and my friend Conner to check on him to see how he is doing.

                                                                           Phone Conversation with Marcus

Me: Hi Marcus

Marcus: Hi Justin 

Me: What are you doing

Marcus: Just waiting for my new girlfriend

Me: Can I ask you two questions

Marcus: Yes

Me: Who is your new girlfriend

Marcus: Well I can't keep sercerts for so please don't get mad at me it is Selena Gomez


Marcus: I know you were going to get mad after all she did

Me: I almost died cause of her I still love her but now I got someone esle to help me get thourgh this. Last question  why did you break up with Victoria?

Marcus: I didn't feel the love we use to have and who do you have with you now

Me: I have Victoria after all of what Selena has done tome she helped me thourgh this I love her now little bye little she helps me get thourgh the way I got hurt..

Marcus: O ya Selena wants to talk to you

Me: I never ever want to see her or talk to after what she did to me

Marcus: Ok bye

Me: Bye

                                                                       Conversation with Conner

Me: Hi Conner

Conner: Hi Justin we haven't talk in a long time 

Me: I know how have you been 

Conner: I have been good lately and you

Me: Not really

Conner: Why

Me: It is a long story do you really want to know

Conner: Yes please

Me: Well you know Selena right

Conner: Ya

Me: Well she cheated on me I was really upset because I love her so much. So I decied to go to Canada. I went there so my mom could help me get thourgh this but next thing you know I was so close of dyeing and lots of people were getting woried. So then Victoria Justice is helping me get thourgh this little by little. So next thing you I am dating her.

Conner: O you have been thourgh a lot

Me: I know well I have to go see you soon bye

Conner: Bye

So now I went back to the resturant and that is were I see Selena. So I tried to not get so much attenition so she won't see me. So I just walked right pass her and sat next to my girlfriend. Then we deiced to go back home.

Me: Victoria do you want to watch a movie 

Victoria: Sure

Me: Which one

Victoria: Mama

Me: So you like scary movies

Victoria: Yes

So I kinda happy she picked a scary movie. Sometimes she got scared and I told her don't be scared babe I am here then I gave her a kiss on her forhead.

                                                                       The Next Day 

I woke up and I heard a ding dong and guess who it was.

I hope you liked this chapter. I will post another part tomorrow. Comment how I could make it better please. Aslo please vote for this story. See you guys tomorrow good night.

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