4 Percy Goes Missing

Start from the beginning

I heard a knock on the door and abruptly stopped singing. "Time to sleep! Big day tomorrow!" My mom said. I laid down in the bed and smiled sadly. "Ok mom, 'night." She answered "Goodnight. And darling?" There was a pause and I said "Uh?" "You sing beautifully!" And I heard her walking away.

I closed my eyes but I could not sleep.

My mom and dad always said I had a beautiful voice. Even my real mom. Her face was not a really clear memory for me but I do clearly remember that when me and my sister could not sleep she used to sing a lullaby. When I got older I started singing it by myself. I closed my eyes and began singing it. Only the chorus though.

Eric il mio soldatino, ora un principe oscuro.
Ma anche per te, c'è una luce. Che ad un'altra vita ti conduce

And I soundly slept. Well... not soundly. I had a nightmare.

I saw that Earth had a human face, and it said "The giants shall rise again! The world will end!" Her voice shook the earth. Then suddenly I saw the ruins of a castle and some wolves walking toward me. "Graceus are not aloud in Lupa's territory." It said before it bit me.

I woke up in a jump, sweat sliding down my face. I did not know what it meant but I had a feeling it was linked to Percy's disappearance. I sighed and looked at the clock. 5:55AM. I saw there was not reason to sleep and I had to admit I was kind of afraid. So I grabbed a book and started reading it, of course I fell asleep.

In my dream I only saw green mist but a voice said "Eight half-bloods shall answer the call. To storm or fire the world must fall. An oath to keep with a final breath. And foes bear arms to the doors of death. Goodbye must seven say, to return what was once safe." After, eyes appeared in the mist but I heard my mom's voice when it spoke "Darling! Time to wake up!" I opened my eyes and answered her.

As I changed I thought about my dreams. I was sure that what I heard was a prophecy and I made a decision. After this weekend on the hanging bridges (which I was not anxious to, since Zeus would probably torment me all the time, and try to blast me to pieces) I would go to Camp, to talk to them.

When I was going to breakfast I read the hour: 7:30AM. I sighed, my brother was getting here only at 8AM. But as I reached the living room I had a surprise! Standing by the door was my brother and bus girlfriend. I ran down the stairs and hugged him. He chuckled as I jumped on him. When I got down I asked "But what happened?!" The plane wasn't suppose to arrive at 8?" He smiled "We wanted to make a surprise. The flight was at 7." I giggled.

Then he said "Got swimming suits ready?" I frowned "Aren't we going to the bridges?" His smile grew wider "Well... mom told me you have been kind of sad so we are going to the beach instead." I smiled and ran to my room. {Y/B/N} knows I am special but he did not all, like my parents did. His girlfriend did not know anything.

I packed up and we got to the car. {Y/B/N} and {Y/BG/N} updated us on what was going on, on Rio. Then we started talking about school, I remembered something "Hey mom! Can I not go to school Monday? It is the last day of school anyways." She nodded, getting it. Then {Y/BG/N} asked "Are you still going on a summer camp {Y/N}?" With a sweet voice. I nodded. See, this is what we told her the place I went to was. Which was half of the truth.

The rest of the ride I slept. For the first time I did not have nightmares. I woke with someone poking my head. I moaned and opened my eyes. This was exactly how {Y/B/N} woke me up.

Mythomagic ||  The Forgotten di Angelo Series (Nico di Angelo fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now