Chapter 6

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Jack climbed out onto the rooftop landing. He saw Crutchie curled up where Jack usually slept, curled up with his blanket. He'd been wondering where that went... Jack walked over to him cautiously. He went to touch his shoulder to comfort him but retracted his hand in fear of Crutchie's reaction. Instead, Jack went over to where Crutchie usually slept and lied down. Crutchie noticed him but didn't make any movement to show that besides his eyes following Jack's every move.

Suddenly Crutchie burst into tears. Jack sat up, startled. "Crutchie?"

"I'm sorry." Crutchie started shaking. "I'm sorry Jack I'm sorry"

Jack raced over to him and picked him up in a hug in his lap. "For what? Crutchie?"

"I- you should be able to be happy without me being all like this. You should be able to go an' be with Katherine, an' I sh-should smile and be happy fo' ya. But instead, I c-can't even take care of my own problems and I get all jealous thinkin' I isn't good enough for ya. And you know what? Maybe I's right, You deserve a better friend Jack Kelly."

Jack was stunned. He knew that Crutchie was real shaken after being in the refuge, but he hadn't realised all that was going on in his head. Jack pulled Crutchie closer to his chest.

"Now I don't want you ever thinkin you isn't good enough."

"But I'm n-not and I want the world f-for you, Jack, since you mean the world to me. You shouldn't have to d-deal with my... my thoughts."

Jack started rocking slightly. "Crutchie, you know I have no problems helping you when you has a bad night. You used to help me through those when I had jus' gotten back- heck, you still do. What's this really about?"

Crutchie looked up into Jack's eyes. "I been havin' these real bad thoughts Jack an' I been thinkin maybe they's from the refuge, but they ain't going away."

"What kind of thoughts, kid? You know you can tell me anything and I ain't leavin you. No matter how hard you try, I'll always be right here."

"Jack, I- I been thinkin. I don't really know, but when you is near me, I get all happy an' jittery. When you's close, my face heats up all pink an' i been having these urges. I don't know what's wrong with me!"

Jack's face was surprised for a split second before he burst into laughter. Crutchie's face went completely red and he pursed his lips, "Jaaack!"

Jack wiped his eyes and sighed. "I'm sorry baby boy, I didn't mean to laugh. It sounds tu me like yous went an got yourself a crush on me."

Jack had previously thought Crutchie's face couldn't get any redder, boy was he wrong. He was about as bright as a tomato. His face had also relaxed. "I-"

Jack repositioned Crutchie so he was sitting on his lap facing him instead of sideways. "How's about we try something?"

"L-like w-wh-what?" Crutchie barely was able to get out.

Jack smiled and said "Can I kiss you?"

Crutchie was stunned, but Jack left hand grabbed Crutchie's right, their fingers intertwining. Crutchie then nodded in response to Jack's question, slightly and only once. "Yeah" he whispered.

Jack had noticed how well their hands fit together. He rather liked holding the small boy. His right hand went up to Crutchie's hair and he came down, their lips meeting lightly. Crutchie gasped into the kiss, but then leaned into it. His left hand raised slightly. He put it back down, but then brought it back up to around Jack's shoulder, pulling them closer.

Jack's left hand left Crutchie's, but he moved it to the small of his back, bringing their torsos touching. This caused Crutchie to make a small noise, which caused Jack to smile into it more.

Eventually they had to come apart for air. Crutchie rested his head on Jack's chest, and he proceeded to lie down. Jack's hand was still in Crutchie's hair, so he started petting the soft blond hair. Jack was the first to speak "I dunno about you, but I sure liked that."

Crutchie smiled "Yeah, me too."

"Good." "good."

After more silence, Crutchie spoke again "Jack, can I fall asleep like this?"

"Sure! S'long as I'm comfortable enough."

Crutchie nodded, and within a few minutes, both boys had fallen asleep with smiles on their faces and their problems long forgotten.

Here's part two! See why it was too long to keep as one? (Well, maybe not for some, but I want my chapters around the same length and that length is what is manageable in a day with homework, theatre, robotics, and orchestra coming into play.)

Word count: 722

The crutch that ain't under my arm (Crutchie x Jack)Where stories live. Discover now