The Guardian of Atlantis

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Apoth flew backward losing the spears he had grabbed. He groaned, rubbing his head.

"Thank the Primordials I have that blessing of Achilles," he muttered, lifting himself up. The Nemean Lion seemed to mock Apoth as it circled the fallen boy.

All of a sudden it pounced. Apoth dodged right, but its claws clung to his back, cutting through his armor.

He screamed in anger, not pain, clenching his fist. Apoth turned, and in one swift motion, he punched the lion to the ground. He spat the saliva out of his mouth, cradling his hand.

Apoth stalked forward, grabbing two short spears off of the ground. In a series of swift motions, he climbed up onto its back, knowing stabbing it would do nothing so he moved towards the eyes.

The Nemean Lion growled, raising itself off the ground. It roared attempting to shake off the extremely powerful demigod.

He held onto its fur as it tried to shake him off. He flexed his fingers. He leaned forward, crashing the pair of spears into the Nemean Lion's eyes.

It roared painfully, and in response, Apoth jumped off. Midair he grabbed a spear out of the monster's eye and backed away.

He then threw the spear into its mouth as it roared. The roar shook the trees and pushed Apoth backward, but it left the lion vulnerable.

Once the spear made contact the Nemean Lion's insides, burst into golden particles.

In its wake laid the Nemean Lion's claws. They were said to be able to cut through the toughest material and were more durable than any other known metal.

Apoth grinned. He leaned down, attempting to lift the massive weight.

He grunted in frustration when he wasn't able to lift them. Apoth leaned back up and took a step back, trying to use his brain for once.

He came to the conclusion of transporting the claws through the Earth.

He walked backward enough to give him some room to operate on the "patient".

Apoth took a slow stride forward before gaining speed. When he neared the claws he vaulted upward, almost to the point where he could touch the top of the trees.

His joy ride in the sky slowed and he started to descend towards the ground. When he landed he caused a massive earthquake and a crack swallowed the claws.

Apoth cracked a grin at his work and sealed the earth back up with a flick of his wrist.

Man, he could compete with Theater Queen with his own dramatics, "Watch out Zeus, you got competition," Apoth chuckled.

Apoth stood there, thinking of what to do with his lucky find. Many years later, but was actually only five minutes, he got an idea.

"Weapons," Apoth said gleefully, he didn't have any weapons, besides his hidden blades and throwing knives.

He left the forest in search of the best crafters, the Hecatonchires.


Briares stood guard outside of Poseidon's palace, he was appointed as the head guard of defenses of Atlantis.

He had been recognized during the second Titan war and Poseidon himself asked of Briares to accept the duty.

But as much of an honor it was, it was rather boring to him. He didn't get the feel of the sea waters flowing across his arms in battle.

No, that was for the army themselves, not him, the guard of Atlantis, not the warrior. He hated protecting that palace, there was no excitement in it.

The Plasma Paradox |The Anak Series| [COMPLETED!]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz