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I grab her, my phone, and my keys. I first call an ambulance to get her, and then figure out the directions to the hospital so I can follow her ambulance. When the ambulance arrives, I help her into it. I quickly kiss her, but not too long as to make the EMTs annoyed, or to prevent her from getting help fast. I get into my car and follow it as it speeds away, going as fast as possible without getting pulled over. I don't have time for that.

When we get there, I call Harry, Louis, Liam, Zayn, Eleanor, and Perry. They come in about five minutes. The nurse comes our and explains what happened. "There was an issue in her brain, and it began to shut itself- and the body- down. The issue was caused by her Leukemia. You did the right thing by bringing her here, Mr. Horan." I frown. "Yeah, thanks, but what was the issue?" I ask. She sighs.

"The issue was a stroke." I am not satisfied with this little knowledge, not when guilt is eating me alive right in the hospital waiting room. "Could that stroke have been caused by . . . stress? Like, a recent heated argument?" She bites her lip thinking. "Well, an argument could have provoked a small issue, but not this big of a stroke. Not one argument, anyway." I nod. "Th-thank you, ma'am." I croak.

One Year Left (Niall Horan)Where stories live. Discover now