Bad News (12 MONTHS)

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"Niall Horan, get back here!" I shout. He turns around, giving me a 'look'. "Now, why on earth would I do that?" he asks, obviously being a smart-alek*. I scoff, shaking my head. "Well, when your girlfriend says to 'get back here', it's in your best interest to get back here!" He grins, probably laughing at my tone of voice, or the way I'm standing. I sigh. "Please, Niall." I say, my voice soft. "I really want to talk to you." He frowns, immediately rushing to me. He lightly places his hands on my waste, and sits down with me on the sofa. "Princess, what's wrong?"

I bite my lip, trying to stop the tears from flowing. "Is- is it something about . . ." We both know what he's talking about, so it doesn't really matter when he trails off; it just makes the emotional tension worse. I nod. "Niall..." I say, slowly, "the doctor told me I have one year." His frown deepens, his eyebrows knitting so close together they look like one. "One year-" he says, stumbling over his words.. "One year until what?" I start sobbing, but I don't make a sound. I never make a sound. "No . . ." He shakes his head. "No, don't say it. You don't have one year to live. You'll live for a long time. Don't say it, Ari. Don't say it!" Soon, he's crying too.

I hate it when Niall cries, because there's nothing to stop me from crying, also, if he does. "Niall . . ." I wish I could shake my head, tell him it's all fine. I want to tell him that I'm fine. That we're fine. I want, so badly, for someone to jump out with a microphone, saying "You just got Punk'd!" or something, anything but having to tell him that in a year I'll stop living, stop breathing. That in a year, I'll cease to exist. "No, Ari. No. There is some way, something to cure you! You have to live, Ari." He has to pause, and wipe the tears from his face and mine. "You have to."

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Sorry for the short chapter, I just don't have a lot of things I can do. The next chapter will be a character introduction, but the next REAL chapter will be much longer than this. Stay happy!

Comment, Follow, Vote! ~Kara

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