Arielle Reed (Character Intro #1)

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NAME: Arielle Reed

AGE: 19

HAIR COLOR: Dirty blonde


HEIGHT: About 5'9

A LITTLE MORE: Hi, I'm Arielle, but if you're close to me, I'm Ari. I have something pretty shocking that I could tell you, but I think you'll figure it out quickly, if you haven't already. I'm actually very boring, other than my record for the most sneezes in a row is twelve. Funny as that is, I was actually twelve when I made that record. Obviously I'm very boring, other than I like photography, 'singing' (which is really just my friends and I blaring our voices as terribly as we can), and acting. The only exciting thing about me is my shocking little thing; but that might be falling apart soon...

     AUTHOR'S NOTE: This IS my first fanfiction, but I know that doesn't give an excuse for bad writing since I write random things all the time, but I'm not going to be very good at this. Please, please cooperate! I won't publish this until I have five complete chapters that I'm satisfied with. I'll either be the best at updating (when I do publish it), or I'll be so bad you might want to give up. I apolagize in advance! Alright, goodbye and stay happy!

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