Alone ✔️

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Image of Sophie

With that final comment we left Madame Scross' home.

Sam POV;
Later that day, I was packing for another journey I had to take, when Alex barged in.
"What are you doing?"
"I need to go to Svaska, to retrieve something for a friend." I reply
"When will we leave?"
"It's not we, it's me, I'm going on my own."
"What am I going to do then."
"My friend, Sophie, will look after you whilst I'm gone. It should only take me a day or two."
"Oh..." she dejectedly says.
And with that, I lift my luggage and walk out the door, where Starfire is waiting. Sophie is standing just outside the door, with her hand raised to knock. "Ah, Sophie you're here. Alex is inside." I then hand her the vial containing the purple liquid, before I mount Starfire and leave my home behind.

Alex POV;
She left me. She actually left me. Oh my god, I hate it when people do this. Oh well might as well get to know Sophie. I think to myself as I head over to the blonde who is 'babysitting' me.
  "Hi I'm Alex." I politely say to her.
  "I'm Sophie."
  "Nice to meet you."
  "Welp this is awkward."

It'd been five hours since Sam left, and I was bored. Sophie had tried to entertain me, but it didn't work. I was in the middle of having a bath when I realised, that I had no clean clothes. 'What am I going to do? I could always ask Sophie to get me some clothes, but I don't want her to see me names. What to do?' I thought to myself. I only really had one choice, unless I wanted to risk running to my room. I couldn't risk it, so I did the only thing I could.
"Sophie!" I shouted.
"Yes?" She shouted back.
"Do you think you could get me some clean clothes I forgot mine. Please?"
"Sure thing. I'll be back in a moment."
With that I can hear a door close and her footsteps. After a few minutes she's back again with some clothes, knocking on the door.
"I'm coming in." She warns.
"No! Wait!" I shout as the door opens.
When she sees me her jaw drops.
"Please don't freak out."
"B-but y-you're a-a."
"I know. Can you please just put the clothes down and let me get changed."
She slowly nods. Placing the clothes on the floor, and backing out of the room. It'd taken a few moments to put on the clothes she'd given me.
I slowly walked to the living room, hoping to delay the inevitable, but I was not so lucky. As soon as she saw me she was firing question after question at me.
"You're a guy. Why'd you lie? Does Sam know? Why'd you dress as a girl?"
"Firstly, yes I'm a guy. Secondly,I didn't lie, you all just assumed I was a woman. Thirdly, no she doesn't. And lastly, my father made me hide my gender."
"I assume it's because mother dressed me up as a girl because she always wanted a daughter, and I eventually became a habit, and everyone thought I was a girl. But when my mother died, I assume my father couldn't look at me without seeing my mother so locked me up in the tower, so he wouldn't have to see me. That, or he just hated me." I sullenly said.
"What are you going to do now? Sam will eventually find out. What will you do then?"
"I don't know. How would I tell her? It's not like I can just go up to her and say "Oh hey, I'm a guy fyi." She'd probably think I'm insane, and I'd hate it if she thought of me like that."
"You're in love with her, aren't you?" She questioned me.
'I couldn't be in love with her, could I? Oh no. I love her!' I thought to myself, and with that a veil lifted from my eyes and I could see the world in a new light. It was then I knew that the spell had been broken.
"Yes." I meekly contradict my earlier reply.
"Thought so."
"What should I do?"
"Tell her."
"But she still thinks I'm a girl."
"Tell her the truth."
"But I can't."
She suddenly looked at the clock, and noticed the time. "It's late, sleep on it, and then tell me what you decide. I can help you if you want."
"Okay. Goodnight."
I walk to my room, as thoughts flood my brain. 'What should I do?' I let out an exasperated sigh before flopping on my bed, and switching off my brain. Darkness soon engulfs me.

A princess and his heroine. (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now