A crossdressing prince ✔️

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The king.

...but before she could reply the front door slammed open.

A man walked through the doorway. He had blonde hair so light it was almost white, although that could have been from age. His forest green eyes held regret and anguish, yet they sparkled with joy at the same time. His clothes were tailored to his body, and a bright shade of royal red, which announced his position.
"F-father!?" Alex questioned with a disbelieved look.
"Yes child, what do you want?" His booming voice replied.
"What are you doing here?"
"I'd heard word that you'd been rescued from your tower, so I came to collect you."
"To take you home of course."
"Why? So you can marry me off for your own political gain." Alex bitterly asked.
"What? No!"
"Why then? Why would you care now, when you never did before?"
"I did care."
"No you didn't!" Tears started streaming down Alex's face, but she quickly rubbed them off, and with a quick pivot ran off to her room. Sophie soon followed, to go comfort her.
"Oh dear. It appears I've only made things worse between us."
"Ya think." I sarcastically replied.
"I'm sorry, I didn't get your name."
"Sam. Short for Samantha."
"Hello Sam, what is your relationship with my child."
"I'm the one who rescued her."
"Oh, then I owe you my thanks."
"No problem. Anyway, how did she end up in the tower."
"That would be my fault. When Alex was little my wife loved her, and the two would spend their days together. However, when my wife died, I fell into depression, and couldn't stand seeing my only child look so much like my dead wife. So, I locked her away so I didn't have to see her."
"That was a stupid decision." I stated.
"I know, and I regret it every day."
"Why didn't you retrieve her sooner?"
"I was too ashamed to face her myself."
"That shouldn't have mattered. You should've gone after her either way."
"I know."
"Do you really though?" I asked him.
"If you really knew you would have still gone earlier. It shouldn't matter if she looks like your deceased wife, she's family, you should protect family, not lock them away in a tower."
He sighed, and dropped his body into one of the chairs that surrounded the unlit fireplace.
"What should I do to earn her forgiveness?"
"Ask her not me."
And in the next moment the King announced something that would change my life.
"That'll be difficult seeing as he holds grudges for a long time, but I guess he gets that from me. He's a prince who takes after his father."
"Err... I think you meant to say princess."
"No, I definitely meant prince." He replied.
"What?" I ask dumbfounded.
"Wait, you still think he's a woman?"
"Err. Yes?"
"Oh dear. Alex is actually a male. His mother loved to dress him up as a girl when he was young, and it eventually became a habit."
"Are you okay. Your almost translucent."
"I'm fine." I muttered.
"Well, I made this awkward. I should probably get going."
"You may stay here if you wish."
"Thank you. I might take you up on your hospitality, seeing how late it is."
I looked to the clock, only to realise it was almost midnight.
"I'll show you to your room, your majesty" I said to him.
"Please call me Albert."
"Okay then, Albert. Please follow me."
I then walked up the stairs and led him to one of my many guest rooms.

A princess and his heroine. (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now