Chapter 10

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My eyes flutter open, and I remember the twins. I shoot out of bed, and go through every room looking for them. Soon I reach the Globe Room, and I see dad playing with them. I smile at the sight.

"Oh hi, Raven." dad greets me.

"Hi dad," I greet him, and smile at my kids.

"It's a girl and boy," he informs me.

"Elsa and Flynn," I smile.

"Yeah," he smiles.

"How long have I been out?" I ask him, realizing that the twins look older then they should.

"A couple years. You were in a coma,"dad frowns.

"I'm sorry daddy," I hug him, and he hugs me back.

"Manny wants to talk to you," dad informs me.

"Okay," I kiss him on the cheek, and flies onto the roof. "I'm here, Manny, what cha need?"

"I have a deal." he informs me.

"Okay," I shrug.

"I'll let your children age quickly, if you do me a favor."

"What's this favor?" I ask him.

"I'll tell you once I need one." he adds.

"Okay. Deal."

I walk back inside, and inform dad about the deal I made with Manny.

"Hello, I'm your mom." I inform the twins.

"Mommy," they squeal, and hug me.

"I see Sleeping Beauty is awake," Jack smirks.

"Oh, buzz off." I glare at him.

"Okay, okay," he holds his hands up in surrender.

Then he flies away.

'I'm a mom,' I think to myself, as I play with my kids.

The Second Life of Raven ClausWhere stories live. Discover now