Chapter 3

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WARNING: This chapter has some torture in it, so if you don't like that, skip over it. Enjoy!


I groan, as I wake up. Then I realize that I'm bound to a simple light brown chair, and my mouth is gagged. I pull at the ropes, but they won't budge. I glare at the floor, feeling uncomfortable, but I have a distant feeling that I'm used to it.

"Ah, so you're awake," a man with a French accent adds, mockingly, and he takes my gag off.

"Who are you?" I ask, glaring at him.

"The father of that child you're carrying." the man laughs, "you don't remember?"

"Should I?" I ask him.

"Yes, I'm Cedric Ross, don't you remember me?" he asks me, smirking. "My abuse must've given you brain damage."

"Get away from me!" I yell, as he approaches me.

He strokes my cheek, and smirks, evilly. His other hand takes something out of my boot, and I realize that it's me switch blade. Then he forces it into my hand, and I scream in agony, and it goes all the way through my hand. Cedric laughs at my pain, as tears run down my face.

"Stop!" I scream, as he pulls it out.

"Why should I?" he asks me.

'Manny, now would be a good time to get the Guardians to save me,' I say in my head, to the moon, but no response. 'So, you're gonna make me go through this all by myself!? What a great moon you are!'

Then he stabs me in the leg, and I scream out. He begins to chuckle evilly, and I watch the blood pour out of each wound. I whimper as he yanks it our, tearing at the tissue around it more. The tears blur my vision, and he scrapes into the skin on my face. I have never felt pain like this, and dad usually got mad when enemies come near me, but this time he can't save me. Then a random song comes to mind: What Hurts the Most, by Cascada. I glare at Cedric, but he just smirks at me.

"Remember me yet?" he asks me, mockingly.

"No," I spat.

"Maybe this'll jog your memory," he stabs me I the ribcage.

I scream out in agony. "Dude! That could've killed the baby!" I yell, without realizing it.

Honestly, I didn't know I was pregnant.

"Don't worry, I wouldn't hurt the child," he adds, with a sickly sweet voice.

"You son of a gun!" I yell.

"Alex," Cedric adds, with a dark voice, "if you don't shut up, I will stab you in the other hand."

"Please don't!" I yell, "I'll do anything! Just let me go!" I begin to cry more.

"Sorry, no can do," he adds.

He unchains me, and carries me over by a wall. Then he chains me to the wall, as I fall into the darkness of sleep.

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