Two men looking up and staring at my posture walking up to them.
Two opposites;
a tan and thin man,
the other fat and old.

They call themselves
'officer Johnson' and 'officer Collins'.
I prefer calling them live ruiners,
if you do not mind me.

"It is nice to finally meet you, miss Bennet. I have heard a lot about you,"
one of them starts.

Deadly I look them in the eyes and show no interest.
Never will they find answers.

"You are quite the hard one,
so we have heard."
The fat live ruiner says,
on which the other chuckles.
"A 'bloody' stubborn one."

"With all my respect,"
I smile sweetly at them.
"You guys mocking my nationality is a bit childish, isn't it?"

With one final glance they are silent and I chuckle too now.
Clearing their throats they sit up straight and try to intimidate me.

"We are here to get some answers,
we want to know everything about the man who kept you hidden."

Every time the same bullshit.
A bit annoyed I show them how hard I can be and I am planning on keeping it that way.

"Can you tell me his name,
miss Bennet?"
The thinner one of the duo asks me,
his face showing curiosity.
No need for that really.

"No, I am sorry officer."

His jaw clenches and his patience is already running up,
on which I can only laugh.

"We are pretty sure you actually can."

"And I am pretty sure I don't want to,"
I fire back,
still seated so relaxed.

"It is highly important you work along, it is the only way we can find him. Unless you don't want to ofcourse..."

I nod,
my eyes following every movement of the two men in front of me.
Staring at me.

"Well, I hear you guys understand me.
Should I show you the way out,
although I know you are perfectly capable of doing yourself."

Both of them now sitting with an angered expression showing on their face, they realise I am not in for this acting.

"Miss Bennet,
we would appreciate you working along and answering our questions.
We do not give a damn about you not wanting to reveal anything,"
an angry voice booms through the room.

I try not to flinch and keep up my act.
Rolling my big, brown eyes and make them even angrier.
My heart is beating loudly in my chest.

"Do you miss him?"
I look away and try not to show my emotions when they come up with this personal question.

I hear them chuckling
and I know they saw through my mask.

"Yes, you do,"
Collins argues with me,
on which he continues.
"You fell in love with the poor guy.
Let me guess, he loved you and was the only one who was really there for you?"

The way he said those things,
with such an evil undertone,
made all the hair on my arm
standing up.

I look down at my now sweaty hands and I bite my lip,
controlling my tears and emotions.

"Did he touch you June? Did you guys have sexual intercourse? Did he make you feel special?"

My heart is beating too loud,
I am afraid it will go mad.
My facial expression gives away everything and I desperately try to hide it.

The man chuckle and stand up.
They make me as small as ever.
"We know enough now. Thank you for your attention and you collaboration. Have a nice day, miss Bennet."

I hear a door being shut and all I can do is fall on the ground,
my legs giving up on me.
My body is shaking and tears fall down my face.

I let out a deep and loud and nobody is there to stop the panic attack rising from the ground.
No Harry to help me.


A short one, sorry. So what do you think of this chapter? Still fun to read? Vote, comment and share please.

CAROLINA // HSDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora