He's Scared

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Lance POV:

I woke up in bed with my body hurting, I was confused until the memories from last flashed in my head. My face was so hot that I ran to the shower. I'm so embarrassed, I can't believe that I did that and to say that I didn't like it would be a lie.

I walk out of the bathroom and see Shiro and Keith standing in my room waiting for me. I can tell that they both got out of the shower recently. They had their backs to me, so I snuck up behind them and hugged the both of them.

"Lance, there you are. We worried about you, since you weren't in the bed." Shiro's voice held relief in it. I look over at Keith, instead of saying something, he just kisses my forehead and laughs and my red face.


My face forms a smirk and I yell out "First one there gets a kiss" As soon as those word leave my mouth the two of them take off.

I run off behind them laughing at them. When we round the corner, Shiro barely beats Keith. I look at them, Keith is pouting about losing and Shiro has a victory smile on his face.

"Ha, I won Keith. Ha HA." Shrio was doing a victory dance while laugh and screaming in joy. As Shrio was jumping around, I went over to Keith and put his head on his shoulder, then nuzzeled in to his neck.

"Aww don't worry Keef," I hugged him, and kissed his neck and walked over to Shiro and kissed his cheek. He froze immediately and sat sown at the table.

Hunk and Pidge shared a look at each other and then leaned close to Me and whispers "Lance are you guys finally together?" at the same time.

"You can say that" I ready my head in my hand and sigh. When I look up to grab a plate of goo, Allura is staring me down. She looks around the room, then back at me then takes a knife and throws it at the wall behind me.

As I stare at her in fear she mouths to me ' Next time I won't miss.' She gets up and leaves with Coran following then so does Pidge and Hunk.

Shiro POV:

I noticed that Lance was shaking in fear and there was a knife in the wall behind him. I nudge Keith and pointed towards Lance, I herd Keith gasp as we head over to him.

"Hey are you ok sharp shooter," Keith's voice was filled with worry and fear. 

All Lance could do was shake his head and say one sentence that sent fear in both our hearts.

"Allura wants to kill me."

Black, Blue, And Red. (ShKlance)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat