I pull my phone out to see the scores ,but Yuuri steals it from my hand.

"(Y/N) you know what happens when you do that," Yuuri holds my phone in the palm of my hand," I would think you would have broken that habit by now."

"How'd you know I was looking at the scores?"

"I've known you since you were born (Y/N) it really comes to no surprise," Yuuri gives me a smile," Also you had 'the face' again."

"I won't look at the scores ,but can I have my phone back please?" I ask sighing at his comment

"Fine," Yuuri says," But only if you stay to see me perform and get first today."

"Alright Yuuri ,but you know I wouldn't miss your performance for the world," I say giving him my signature grin, "But you know I am in first and I doubt that even you could change that."

He hands me back my phone ,but when he hands it to me I see a beautiful golden ring on his finger.


"n-no (Y/N) you see-" Yuuri was cut off by Victor who was oddly silent this entire conversation

"We will be married when he wins gold at the Grand Prix this year," Victor says surprisingly in a calm tone seeing as he will be competing this year also.

"-And you'll be invited," Yuuri buts in," You are practically my little sister. I really am sorry for not telling you but nobody knew where you were and I couldn't call or text you because I don't have your number."

I sigh and give Yuuri, Victor, and Phichit my phone number. I then say my goodbyes as I leave to sit over by my coach back in the stadium and watch the next few performances. Before I can even make it out of the room I am pulled into another hallway.

"You think that you could escape me (Y/N)?" A voice that I instantly recognized says.

"I was sure hoping too, but I guess even a 15 year old can dream right?" I say, "Am I correct, William?" as I hissed the name of my ex as I try to walk away quickly.

Why? Just, Why does he have to be here too?

A dark chuckle could be heard from behind me, "I came here not only to win the Women's Men's Finals, but I also want to win you back."

"Will," I sigh as I turn around. His black hair was a mess and his light green eyes were frantic, he was in a dark blue robe that was covering his costume.

"(Y/N)," William says while he looks deep in my eyes, " I told you that you'll regret the day that you broke my heart."

"You are the one who broke my heart, William. Maybe you should try getting back with that other girl. I will not love you again, so it's useless to even try to even get a reaction from me."

He grabbed my shoulders, forcing me to face him, "(Y/N)... you should know that I-"

I can't stand this crap anymore. He can't just keep pulling me over just to try to woo me back into his arms only to break my heart again.

I mustered all the strength I had into a slap onto William's shocked face. The slap left a small stinging sensation of my hand which I wiped off onto my shirt. Just as he was going to say something again, I interrupted him once more.

"Don't. Ever. Touch. Me. Again," I say as I walk away, and back to Amelie. I heard William slam his hand onto a table making a large shattering noise. I continued walking ignoring his constant yelling.

"(Y/N)!" Amelie exclaims," I HAVE BEEN LOOKING EVERYWHERE!"

Amelie almost never screams and to see her like this I swear something else must have happened.

"Amelie?" I ask, "Did something happen while I was in the lobby?"

"Nothing much," Amelie says," Besides the fact that YURIO PLACED FIRST! YOU DIDN'T EVEN SEE THE PERFORMANCE! IT WAS GORGEOUS!"

"What the? How?" I ask," That was my personal record. By how much?"

"Not by a lot but we need to up your game, (Y/N)," Amelie puts her fist to her chin, resting it there as she thought, "We are going to train for an extra 2 hours for the next two weeks before the finals."

"What? We will be up to 11 at night, coach! I don't even think I'll have the energy to get up the day of the competition at that rate!"

"Nonsense, the last day you can use for sleep and you'll be fine"

This is the only way I can win against Yurio and Yuuri at the same time and the same place. If I pull this off, I will have killed two birds with one stone. If there is anyone I want to win besides me it would have to be Yuri so if I fail I can, at least, cheer him on. Good game Yurio, good game. No wonder he was my hero for all this time...

Yurio x Reader A Week in NovemberWhere stories live. Discover now