"How the fuck did you know???"

He winks at you. "I'll talk to you later, I must service these customers. Don't do anything I wouldn't do."

"But you'd do everything," Dropping your head onto the table, you groan again. "Fuck my life."

Your phone pings with a notification, vibrating against the table. Reaching out for it, you lift your head and read the message from the familiar brown haired boy you were just thinking about.

Jungkook: http://www.cosmopolitan.com/sex-love/confessions/tips/a3497/oral-sex-tips/ You haven't messaged me in a while and so I thought I'd drop by and fuel your growing mind [12:41]

"What the hell?" you whisper, opening the url. "I'm not reading this." closing it immediately.

You: What did you just send me? [12:42]

Jungkook: Can't talk, am about to finish class. Like I said, oral sex is a good place to start. You know what sex has the potential to feel like now. So we'll go from there. I'll start with you and then you can reciprocate, so read up [12:42]

You: Are you giving me homework? [12:42]

Jungkook: ...and if you don't do it, I'll have to bend you over my desk and punish that sweet ass of yours [12:43]

You immediately turn your phone off before reading his next text. Tossing it to the far end of the table in disgust. He'll start with me? Groaning, you slump into your seat. Gross.

"You okay there buttercup?" Seokjin, Namjoons partner asks, sitting in front of you. "Fancy seeing you here."

You lift your gaze to his as he sits in the seat in front of you. "Saw you talking to Namjoon before, he said you were in quite a pickle, anything I can help you with?"

"Honestly, I'm about to engage in an unhealthy relationship with Jungkook where we have regular sex and he wants to give me oral sex and besides the shaving of my pubic hair and the stretching in the shower I'll have to do-" you raise your hand "-I know, TMI but other than the fear of tasting and smelling bad down in the bat caves. I'm literally so terrified of what is going to happen next and I don't know how to be sexy with that kind of stuff and I was wondering if you could help me because I can't even help myself." you pant, almost blue in the face at your little rant.

Seokjin stares at you baffled. "All of that came out so quickly."

You nod, sipping your drink. "I'm scared that I'm ugly down there."

"Well, thank you for being honest with me. This must be difficult for you to express yourself so openly and honestly."

You nod again. "I feel like I'm tossed into a salad mixer and you know me, I hate vegetables."

"I don't know what that is supposed to mean in that context but I can tell you one thing Y/N, I wouldn't worry about being sexy. Jungkook is a young wee thing, I've seen him get a boner over you in shorts so if that is any consolation, don't worry about that."

"What? A boner...." you mumble, "Can I ask you a crude question?"

He nods.

"You've eaten ass which is pretty much the same thing as a vagina, any tips that could help me be more comfortable?"

He laughs, shaking his head at your vulgarity and ignorance. "It's not quite the same thing my dearest. But, shower first. Make sure everything is clean. Wear some nice underwear. Shave and moisturize your legs if you want, just something soft. Wash your hair, give it a little spruce and just be yourself."

Namjoon walks up behind him, putting his hands on his shoulders. "And if that all fails my dear, just sit on his face."

"Sit on his face?" you ask, "Why would I need to do that?"

They both laugh at you. "Just sit on it."

"His face...?" you question, mortification obvious across your features. "Why..."

Namjoon and Seokjin look between each other, laughter ebbing out of their mouths. "And if he doesn't open his mouth, just tickle his waist. His mouth will be wide open then."

"Just have fun." they surmise at your confusion. And you're about to investigate further when your phone pings with another notification, distracting you from addresing your confusion.

Jungkook: I just left class early and am running to you now. Should be at the cafe in less than a couple mins [12:54]

"Jungkook's on his way," you muster, taking your hood down. "Seriously, any last minute advice."

"Use your fingers is all I'm going to say." Seokjin says and Namjoon laughs shyly.

"Take it slow, experience it all."

"Okay, talking to both of you hasn't helped because now I have more questions and I am even more confused."

The doorbell sounds and you all look to the entrance of the cafe. Spotting a panting and sweaty Jungkook, you wave him over. He smiles when he spots you and you smile back as he rushes over.

"Well, we better leave you two then." they say, letting Jungkook take Seokjins seat.

"I'll bring another coffee and cafe for Jungkook over," Namjoon says, giving you a wink. "Iced americano coming up for the man."

"Yes please." Jungkook grins, putting his backpack on the ground and sitting comfortably in front of you. Then you watch Jungkook grab the napkin and pat his sweaty forehead with it.

"Well, I'm pretty hungry. How was your day?" he asks, leaning foward, giving you all of his attention. It was unnerving.

You look at anything but him. "It was good and then I got your texts..."

He winks. "Let's talk about those later tonight okay?"

You nod.

Namjoon places a mudcake with cream in front of Jungkook and his eyes widen into saucers before digging in. You watch him shovel the cream into his mouth with a stupid happy grin, some of it catching on his upper lip.

"Jungkook?" you ask, prompting his attention.

He smiles at you, "Wh-hat?"

Frowning, you point to his upper lip. "You've got half the cake on your upper lip."

He grins louder before poking his tongue out to get it and you slump in your seat watching him try. How can someone be so good at making you feel things but on the other hand, be such a child? It confused you. He confused you.

And one thing plagued your mind while you watched him. "I don't want to be confused anymore and I want to sit on Jungkook's face" -whatever that meant.

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