Chapter 4

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"Hansol!?" I yell and everyone on the bus looks over.

So, I quickly grab his hood and shove it over his face.

"What are you doing on the bus?" I whisper. He just smirks.

"I wanted to see my knight in shining armor." I laugh, realising Seungcheol wasn't lying.

"Are you serious?" He shrugs and I give him a look, for him to give a better explanation, but he doesn't budge.

So I change the subject. "Did you tell anyone where you were going?" I ask.

"No, but I don't really need to. It's fine, I can catch a taxi back to the dorm." I give a nod of understanding and we sit there in silence for, what felt like, two hours.

"I was just wondering... how old are you?" I forced myself to start a conversation.

"I turned 19, this February." He says casually.

"Wow... cool. So, when is your birthday?"

"February 18th."

"Cool... how does it feel being a year older than last year, hm?"

"It's not that bad... it's just... I'm getting wrinkles, like an old person." He whines. I stare at him wide-eyed and he smirks.

"Eh! You're only 19! What are you even talking about?" I scoff while I sit back straight and lower my voice. "You're getting wrinkles? Are you kidding?" He lets out a small laugh.

"I didn't think that's how you would react. I was only joking. I'm so happy being 19!" He waves his arms in the air, demonstrating how happy he is about it.

"What are doing? Stop, I get it, okay. I get it." He looks at me and laughs again.

"Well... how old are you, (Y/N)?" He asks with wide eyes.

"Hmm... same as you."

He nods and stays quiet, not asking for anymore information.

It only took ten minutes before the bus got to my stop.


"Thank you~!" I say to the bus driver as I hop off the bus.

"Thank you." Says Hansol. I wait until he's next to me, before we start walking and he starts talking. "Why'd you come to Seoul?" I look at him wary."Oh no! I didn't mean it like that, I was just asking out of curiosity." He blushes and I giggle.

"Well. I moved here because... when I was 12, my mother and I would watch Korean Drama's. I got into K-Pop and when Seventeen debuted, believe it or not, you became the group I'd look up to," he chuckles and I smile.

"I started loving Korean culture, fashion, their music and festivities. I loved Korea in general." I look up at his joyful expression.

"I wanted to learn the language and overall everything about this country, just to be able to meet Seventeen. And eventually, I learnt how to speak, write and read in Korean..." I look straight ahead and smile.

"Seventeen brought me to this wonderful country. You and the other boys showed how hardwork can take you anywhere. You boys inspired me to work hard. And so, when I got this job, I was so happy because I had a way to help your company make you boys more than what you think you can be." He chuckles and I look up at him confused.

"We didn't do anything. Your love for this country, pushed you to climb your way up to this very point. And because you believed you could do it."

He met my eyes and I swear his eyes shimmered.

"You walked with your head high, through hardships and accomplishments. You did everything on your own. Now that's inspiring." He smiles. And I stare at him wondering what he was thinking.

I give up.

Replying with a big smile and he laughs.


Once I was home. Hansol called himself a taxi and we said our goodbyes, when it came.

I walked up to my apartment. I opened the door, walked in, locked the door and turned on the lights.

It's not small but it's not big either.

I have a bed with a side table, a desk, a small wardrobe and dining table, a bathroom and a laundry room but no kitchen.

So, whenever I'm hungry, I just go out to eat.
I kick off my shoes and slump on my desk chair. I need to work but I can't stop thinking about...


His scent.

His laugh...

His smile. I rub my face to wake myself from my daydreams. But it's no use...

I can't stop thinking about him.

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