Breaking Surface

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Author: BTW, the rest of these parts i'm making you can help me make them by putting suggestions down in the comments, and i'll take your comments into consideration to put into these parts so feel free to add your thoughts on what the next parts should be like. with that out of the way, yells to Sans "hey Sans, can you teleport the next part of the story up so i don't have to make it." you hear in the background "no sorry bone tired here." "ugh alright bonehead i'll make the part."     

The next morning arives and Chara and Frisk wake up to the sound of Asriel telling them it's time to wake up. They then get out of bed stretch and all three of them go downstairs to eat breakfast "ah good morning my children did you sleep good last night?" Toriel said while setting up the table for breakfast. they all nod as they start to sit down at the table. Chara asked if she could go on a walk alone before breakfast was ready, Toriel nodded and said "be back soon because it's almost done." Frisk feeling scared for Chara said "i'm going to follow Chara and see what she is up to." Toriel laughs and said "you can't just leave her on her own for very long without getting lonely can you?, alright go ahead but be careful." Frisk nods and heads out of the house and towards the way that Chara went. Asriel asked if he could take his breakfast with him since he was going to go to moster kids house to hangout for the day, Toriel said ok and made Asriel his breakfast and heads out of the house. Frisk then finds Chara heading towards an area that she hasn't seen before. Following closely behind she sees Chara lay down in some violets, she slowly approaches Chara expecting to scare her, Chara said "I knew you would follow me, I wanted to make this area a surprise to you but you had to just follow me, egh whatever atleast your here now." Frisk hugs Chara and said "I just needed to make sure that you were ok, haha don't need another person getting kidnapped again, so do you want to head back or stay here for a little bit?" chara said "just give me a minute and stay near the entrance and i'll come out of this area and walk back to the house with you. Frisk walks away and sits next to the entrance, five minutes pass and she sees Chara walking back out with her head down, Frisk asked "what's wrong Chara, is everything ok?" Chara looks up and Frisk sees Chara crying looks up with one eye black and red and the other white and red she pulls out her knife Chara said "stay away Frisk." Frisk approaches Chara and tries to grab her slowly and Chara said "BACK OFF" she swipes her blade across and hits Frisk in the palm of her hand, Frisk backs off and holds her hand Chara backs away slowly and said "what have I done?" Frisk slowly approaches Chara one more time and Chara said before running away "stay away from me Frisk, i'll just hurt you, i'm just like them, i'm just like what they told me i am, a monster, a demon." Frisk ran back home and told Toriel what happened and she called Sans to help look for Chara while she goes to bandage Frisk's hand up. after an hour of looking Sans said "hmm ok so there is one last place she would go to, let me check the underground." Sans teleports to hotlands then to waterfall then to snowdin then to the ruins "hmm not here, o wait i forgot about new home, ugh me being lazy." Sans teleports to new home and sees Chara with her knife in her hands as she is cutting her arms, he grabs the knife and teleports it away and teleports her back to the house. Toriel sees them appear and ran towards them and Sans said "ok we need to bandage her up fast, because when i found her she was cutting herself pretty badly." Toriel said I sent Frisk out for more bandages like an hour ago but she hasn't came back yet." "o son of a sigh, can people please not attack these two they have been through enough already." Sans goes to the store that Toriel said Frisk went to but saw that she wasn't there. he headed back outside and turned around when he heard someone screaming down an alleyway, he ran down it and saw someone being beaten up and the guy said "oho do you love that you monster loving freak? i'm going to make you enjoy your last moments here on this planet freak." Sans laughed and said "hey buddy turn around and shake my hand." the guy turns around and grabbed his hand and he was thrown in the air and blasted by a gaster blaster. Frisk shakily grabs Sans' hand and they teleport back home and Sans brought the bandages to Toriel after bandaging up Frisk's leg and arm. Toriel said "ok what happened now to Frisk?" Sans said "ok so it, was a good time i heard Frisk scream because she was almost killed by one of the guys that hate us so i told him to turn around and shake my hand and i threw him up into the air and blasted him." Toriel sighed and told Sans "thanks for saving my two children." "egh no problem, you would of had me by the horns if i didn't anyways." Toriel laughs and Frisk stumbled in after three hours of being unconscious, and asked what happened to Chara, Sans gave her the full story and Frisk layed next to Chara till she woke up an hour later. Frisk moved away from Chara and said through tears " i thought i made you happy, why did you run away after slicing my hand open, why did you go and do this to yourself?" Chara hugged Frisk and said "this is why i needed time alone and away from everyone else I wasn't feeling like myself when I was doing things like that, I didn't mean to hurt you or myself either but i'm sorry, i can't promise that it will not happen again so if you hear me ask to go on another walk by myself, it's just to clear my head of these thoughts, but if i don't try to get away from everyone then the pressence of him will come back and attack anyone that is near me like what you saw today when i attacked you, i'm sorry I should of said something earlier about it, but i wasn't thinking like myself." Frisk and Chara both sit hugging each other for about five more minutes before Chara backed away and said "what happened to you, why are your arms and legs bandaged up?" Frisk said "because after i got patched up we ran out of bandages, so mom made me go out while Sans was looking for you for about an hour and a half, and when i was going out of the store someone grabed me and pulled me into an alleyway and started attacking me, Sans luckily made it in time before he killed me and instead killed him, and Sans teleported me back to the house patched me up then, Toriel patched you up." Chara helps Frisk walk downstairs and they both sit at the table ready to eat something for dinner and Toriel said "do you guys feel fine after what happened today?" they both nod and Frisk said "egh could of been way better if i was only attacked by love from Chara." Frisk laughed while Chara got flustered. "awe you being the flirty little Frisk that loves to get Frisky whenever she feels the need to" Chara laughs as she seen Frisk's face get all flustered and said "haha payback." Frisk said "not fair." Chara said "o it's totally fair since you do it to me and i can do it back to you." Toriel said "ok enough you two, and dinner is ready so go on and eat." after they all ate they went upstairs for the night

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