Undertale Charisk Nightmares

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Frisk is sleeping next to Chara and Chara watches them and falls asleep next to her. Chara then wakes up to find Frisk tossing, turning, and crying. She tries to wake Frisk up by shaking her but that didn't seem to work, she then hugs Frisk, this causes them to stop shaking and wake up, then chara hugs Frisk to calm them down more. Chara says "what happened in your nightmare? You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to." Frisk replies with "I was watching my d d dad beat up my m m mom and walks towards me and grabs me b b by the neck and raises me up s s so my feet were dangling off the ground, and then I could just feel a knife or s s something sharp pierce my arm, I scream out in pain as I slowly saw a sadistic smile grow on his face." Chara cuddles Frisk as more tears fell from her face. Frisk then looked in the corner of her eye in the corner of the room she saw something that looked dark and mechieveous, like something out of a dark, demented horror film. Frisk saw this and became pale and was shaking violently, and this made Chara worried, she tries everything to calm Frisk down but Frisk couldn't hear her, or feel her pressence nearby. Frisk was just staring at the corner of the room at the figure, and the figure said "hello Frisk, I know what you did last Spring." The figure disappeared before she could say anything, and returns gaze to look back at Chara. Chara saw her and asked "why were you just staring blank eyes widened at the corner of the room, pale looking, and shaking?" Frisk replied with "I-I saw a figure of a skeleton that looked sort of disfigured, no arms, no legs, his skull had cracks on the upper left and lower right of the the left and right eye. I think.....i think I met him before back in WaterFall, but I'm not too sure it was him." Chara replies with "don't worry about him let's just try to go back to sleep." Frisk's cuddles more onto Chara and falls asleep, while Chara falls asleep with them as well

Charisk Adventure through DeterminationTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang