Charisk Frisk Self Harm

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Frisk awoke before Chara it was 7am and Frisk got out of bed making sure Chara was still asleep, she went into the bathroom and locked the door. She then looks around for the knife that Undyne gave her after she saved all of the monsters in the underground, and let them live peacefully amongst humans. She finds it and pulled it out and rolled up the sleeve of her sweater and put the knife to her wrist and began cutting. Chara woke up to the feeling of Frisk not being there, and wonders where she is, she got out of bed and went to the bathroom door and she tried to open it but it was locked. She then heard Frisk crying, so she knocked on the door and asked "hey is everything alright in there, i can hear you crying, and i'm worried about you." Chara then heard the sound of something metallic hit the floor of the bathroom and called Sans. Sans got over here quick by the sound of the distressed Chara, Sans used his magic to unlock the door then he teleported away to go back to his job. Chara then walks towards the door, opens it and saw Frisk on the ground in a pool of blood. Chara shakily touched Frisk neck to see if they still had a pulse, they did but it was weakening by every minute that passed by. She ran out of the room and got the first aid kit and she runs back to the bathroom to see Frisks soul start to crack and hp start to drop from the amount of blood that was leaking out of her arms and legs. Chara carefully bandaged up the poor weakly unconscious girl and then carried her to their bed and laid her down on it, and went to go clean the bathroom of the excess blood that Frisk left. She took the knife and told Sans on the phone to come retreave it when you get done with work. She goes back to their room after she cleaned up the bathroom of blood. She stayed next to Frisk until they woke up, Chara moved off the bed and looked disappointed at Frisk and said "what were you thinking? You could have killed yourself and it would of made me really really depressed, I care for you and I love you." Frisk replied with a saddened look " i'm really sorry, I truly am sorry, I didn't mean for it to have gotten that far, I love you too and I promise I'll try to let that never happen ever again." Chara then looks up at Frisk after burying their head in their hands and said "what happened to make you want to do that to yourself?" Frisk replied with "my p p p past," Frisk buried their head into their sweater and still having the courage to speak, she began to speak about her past and says "m m my past about the people I was around, m m my f father, the b b bullies at my old school and random people around my neighborhood that hurt me and tortured me physically and mentally."

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