Frisk's Soul Tapped Part 2

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As Chara walked around Frisk's mind, Sans was watching close by to watch their souls, if the soul started to rupture then Sans would have to end the experiment. It was pitch black in Frisk's mind, when she heard faint screams of agony, she decides to follow the screams as they got louder and louder. She then found herself in a familiar place, it was the Judgement Hall in the underground. But with this Judgement Hall it was red and black, not like the normal orange and yellow. As the screaming got louder and louder, when the went around the corder to where asgore's  throneroom would be, Chara seen Frisk and some sort of skeleton that Frisk saw before in our room. He was speaking in a weird language that Chara couldn't understand. He then says hello to Chara and Chara yells at him it? saying "what the hell are you doing to Frisk?" The figure replies with "you should already know," Chara yells back with "what ever you are doing to her i'm here to stop you." The figure replies with "ddyd time for me to go but first let me take out this pest." Fight scene initiates, Chara takes out her knife and eyes and mouth bleed black, usually this scares anyone away but with his expression he looks calm, Chara then strikes with full force at him, but when it hit him it just faded into him dealing no damage, Chara then says "what the hell are you?" He replies with "you should know already, you have my powers inside of you, why do you think you bleed black from your eyes?" Chara frightened by his speech backed away slowly and said "n-nn-Nnno y-you c-can't be him, you just can't" Chara then struck at him again this time using all of her power that she could muster, and this attack hurt him, and he said "good, now you are beginning to learn how to use your vp, use it wisely or u'll end up like me. Chara then struck back again, this time ripping a hole through time and it sucked him into it, Frisk's mind body just suddenly wakes up, and she sees Chara almost being sucked into the hole, she gets up and pulls Chara away from it before it closes with her inside it. Chara then hugs Frisk, then Sans sees Frisk's black cracks in her soul start to fade and uses his powers to talk to Chara, Chara says that the entity is gone and Sans uses the machine to slowly return their soil to Chara's body but first uses Chara's soul to heal Frisk's soul. Once they woke up Chara and Frisk ran together and hugged and kissed each other like they haven't talked in a long time. Sans teleports them back home and Chara and Frisk cuddle together for the rest of the night. Frisk and Chara both wake up together around 7am and they head downstairs to make breakfast, they eat and go out for a walk near a path in a forest to spend the day, near a waterfall. Once they got home they saw the time it was 3pm and they went to play some games. After game time they ate dinner and went to bed. This night was different however because Chara was thinking about the man she defeated in Frisk's mind and said "in my memories, is the only thing I remember before falling down, is that no body really cared for me?"

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