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*cringes a lot*

.eyyyyyyyyyy its ya gal! Be more chill isn't really my main fandom rn, but I will DEFINITELY finish this, just expect shorter chapters and stufffffff also im cringing really hard  because of my crappy writing skills D:


I have a 99% chance of flunking history



Jeremy's POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. I groan and click snooze. Wait, its still dark outside. Did I seriously set the alarm to am instead of pm? GEeeezzzz... Whatever, might as well go get a drink.

 I stumble down the stairs and to the kitchen. I just pour a glass of water and drink it, zoning out. I'll just go back to sleep now, theres not much I can do. Or want to do anyways. I glance at the clock. its 2am.

I walk back to the stairs, tired and worn out. I just take a single step when I hear the doorbell ring.

Who could be here at this time... Jesus christ i'm too sleep deprieved for this. I slowly stagger over to the door.

I yell,"Who the hell-" then I look down and I am speechless.


Squip's POV

I'm limp all over. I just managed to press the doorbell before I crumple on the doorstep.

Hopefully he didn't forget about me...



Jeremy's POV

Whats going on? Why the heck is... what happened...

"H-hey! Wake up!"

Oh my god not again...

I drag him inside the house, careful not to wake my dad up. I lay him on the sofa gently.

I yell at him and consider slapping him but hes weak enough as he is already. 

After a moment, the squip wakes up and says in a robotic voice, "I am super quantum unit intel processor. My sole purpose is to improve your life." Theres a pause, and he asks,

"What is your name?"

I try to stop myself from crying. But then Squip starts laughing and says, "You should have seen the look on your face. I'm kidding, Jeremy." I raise my hand and pretend to slap him. Then I hug him because I missed him so much. I can't stop myself from crying this time and through my tears I can see that Squip is crying too. Squip suddenly sits up and puts his hands on my shoulders. He leans in very close and whispers in my ear, "I love you Jeremy."

Squip's POV

My face heats up. I'm blushing so hard. Jeremy likes me too... I think...

Before I can reply, Jeremy kisses me on the lips. He clutches me tightly. Human feelings are so weird, yet so beautiful. I kiss him back passionately. I don't want to let go, ever.

I am completely in love with Jeremy Heere, and he loves me too. This is the best day of my life. Actually, its the first day of my actual life, not just existing as a supercomputer. My life is off to a great start.


floomp I know I needed some romancey scenes 

heeegh yes this is finally off hiatus! :D uwu owo TwT

Why do people even read this tho. Thank you so much for reading this. I honestly thought no one would read this. Like no one. I love all of you readers <3 

Have a cookie : (::) (::) (::)


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