Finding Squip

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(neomeoeoemeooeeomoeooem  I wrote these chapters in like 25 minutes max don't hate me)


BOI   I don't even know what to say to you all.

Because I don't even know how people reacted to those previous chapters 


Jeremy's POV

The actual sun is shining now. My alarm clock is buzzing loudly. The blankets fell on the floor.

None of these things motivate me to wake up.

Porno doesn't even sound fun anymore.

"Sorry Jeremy... goodbye..."  

Why is it that I can hear his voice more when he's gone?

I start to cry again.

Guess some voices in my head never really go away. Its my fault though. M-my fault...

Will he remember me? Will he want me back? Did he want to go or was he forced to go...

I just lost the squip again after finding him at that seven-eleven store... this time it might be permanent...  I'm going to find him again! 

I roll off my bed. What if Squip takes over the school again... or does something stupid and hurts himself? I'm worried about him.  I'm worried about my squip. He was a jerk but i'm worried about him. Because...

I don't know why. I just have a feeling he's going to hurt himself. That's bad.

I realise I didn't even change. I'm still wearing yesterday's clothes. Okay then. I slip on my jacket. The room smells like burnt toast. Ugh. What time is it? 6:30. Almost time for school. Its Friday today. I don't feel like eating breakfast today. Guess i'll get ready for school... Why school. I never got the chance to show the rest of the gang Squip. Its not that bad... they might not understand... I'll pretend it never happened in front of Micheal and the others. But I still want to find Squip. Before he's lost forever. 

*time skiP*

I'm on the bus now. Alone. I'm still very tired from last night. I fall asleep on the bus because theres nothing else I can do...

I miss the squip...

I miss him so much...


ok short chapter I hate tests 

Today is my birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! got new headphones but I fxxing broke them like 4 hours later

Next few chapters will be short, i'm super sorry!


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