Chapter 80: The Truth

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Chapter 80: The Truth

Friday; December 8, 2017


I smile kissing Harry in the car as we pull back and he winks at me as he drives us back home.

It's the second day that we go to the hotel room he got for us.

I can't help but smile every time I'm with him. He makes butterflies erupt into my stomach.

"Cutie," he smiles as he drives and I laugh blushing.

"Stop... I'm not cute," I pout as he laughs then grabs my hand as his left hand stays on the steering wheel. I smile as he grips my hand gently looking over at me.

I giggle and snuggle to his side as he then stops and parks.

I wait as he goes to my side opening the door for me grabbing my hand helping me out.

"Why thank you," I wink at him and he chuckles closing the door and wraps his arm around my shoulder as we head inside.

"For fucks sake Candice!! She's my daughter!! I have every fucking right!!"

My eyes widen as Louis is yelling at my mother.

"Wh-what's going on?" I furrow my eyebrows as my heart stops with his words.

They both turn to me and my mom looks like she has seen a ghost.

"Nothing is going on. Roxanne go to your room."

"Nonsense," Louis says.

"Yeah I'm not going anywhere. I'm not a stupid little girl mother. What did Louis just say?" I walk closer as I cross my arms across my chest.

"Candice you have to tell her," Harry says. I look at him confused.

"You know?"

"Let your mom explain," Harry sighs and I look back at her.

"Who's Louis' daughter?" Tears stream down my cheeks not wanting to know the answer.

"You're my daughter," Louis says as he takes a step closer. I look up at him as I sniffle. "I knew since we met at the store remember? I didn't know Candice was your mother, she didn't want me to tell you the truth."

"Why?!!" I glare at her as I feel like I'm going to explode any second.

"Because you were just fine Roxanne!" She cries out and I shake my head unable to comprehend this. "You don't need him. You always had me and I took care of you!"

"Stop being selfish, you knew how much this meant to me. I told you I wanted to meet my father!! And you hide this? And Louis?! He's been close to me all this time! And I had no clue!!"

"Roxanne," my mom sighs.

"Candice we need to let them talk," Harry grabs her arm.

"I'm not leaving my daughter with him."

"If you think I'm taking her away from you, you're wrong Candice," Louis looks at her and I sigh. "I'm not that type of guy, all I want is to get to know my daughter. To be able to spend time with her. I regret not being with her from the beginning, I just want to make it up to her. Please. I don't ask for much but for some time alone with her."

"Fine," she sighs and walks with Harry upstairs.

Louis looks at me and I sit down on the couch. He sits on the coffee table in front of me as he looks up at me sincerely.

"I know I have no right—"

"You left my mom because she was having me. I was a mistake to you."

"No. You were never a mistake," he takes a deep breath as he looks down at his hands. "I was young and stupid. I didn't know what to do. I wish I could turn back time and been there for your mother and for you," he looks up at me as tears begin to form in his eyes. "I tried to look for Candice, I wanted to meet you. I gave up recently but little did I know, you were closer to me than I thought you would be. I wanted to tell you so bad that I'm your father, that I love you even though I don't know you and you don't know me. I want us to start over and be able to make up the lost time between us."

I sniffle wiping away my tears.

"I been wanting to meet you all my life. I know you're not the bad guy in this, you had your reasons and what matters is that you're here now. The past that's what it is. The past," I reach for his hands and he gently grips to them. "D-dad."

He smiles with tears as he reaches over and hugs me tight.

I smile with tears as well hugging back.

"You called me dad."

"You are my dad," I smile pulling back and cup his face. "Thank you. I never gave up in finding you. Thank you for not giving up on me."

"I made a mistake, I won't anymore," he smiles and hugs me more. I kiss his cheek as he then sits next to me. I cuddle to him as he kisses the top of my head.

"My princess."

"I have the necklace," I smile pulling back showing him the golden necklace he got me for my birthday with the letter R. "I always wear it."

"I got it made especially for you."

"I knew it meant something, I felt it," I smile wiping off my tears.

"I'm sorry for everything. For the lost years."

"Dad, it's forgotten. Let's live in the present."

"True," he chuckles.

"Everything good?" We look over as Harry smiles at us. My mom stands beside him.

"We're perfect," my dad stands up with me as he wraps his arm around me.


It's hard to believe I finally have him face to face.

I never was mad at him.

Everyone makes mistakes.

We just have to learn not to make them again. And to be able to forgive.

"Seems like you're happy," my mom snaps.

I sigh as I walk towards her.

"Why don't you want that for me? Louis has every right over me, you don't seem to need me as much anyway. You're back with your job, and you hardly understand what I been going through. Sure it was a silly break-up but I needed your support, and your love. You weren't there for me. You say you are, but never showed it. I need my dad, don't take that away from me."

"I'm not. Look we'll talk some other time."

I nod and Louis walks over.

"I'll leave you to it. You know where to find me," Louis my father smiles at me. I smile and hug him tight.

"I love you dad."
"I love you too sweetheart. More than infinity."

We pull back and Harry walks him out. I smile as I run upstairs to my room as I can't stop smiling. I grab Lucky hugging her since he gave her to me as well.

My dad.

Louis is my dad.

I squeal as I snuggle to Lucky on my bed.

"Louis is my dad. I finally have a father."


Hope you liked this special chapter (;

His Angel (H.S) Book 1 ✔حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن