Chapter 28: Jealous

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Chapter 28: Jealous

Monday; August 28, 2017


As the day goes by at work, Louis walks into my office as I let him in.

"Did he say anything?" I ask.

"Liam doesn't want gifts or anything," Louis says.

"What? But why not?"

"He says he has school," Louis shrugs. "He looks stressed maybe a day off can help him out."

"And you think I'm a bad friend in not giving him one?"

"No no I didn't say that I swear."

"It's fine Louis, I just want to plan something for him here at the office, I'm staying late if you want you're welcomed to help."

"Yeah of course," Louis smiles as we then start planning out Liam's birthday surprise party.


Later as I get home I see a car that I never seen before. Is it Roxanne's friend? Candice doesn't like her as I heard.

I make my way inside and am greeted with laughter. I look over at the living room as Roxanne is laughing with this guy...

He's young guessing around her age.

"What's going on?" I interrupt as Roxanne turns over with a smile.

"Uh nothing. We're just working on our project."

"Doesn't look like it," I state. The guy stands up and so does she as she glares at me annoyed.

"Well we are, it is none of your business."

"Watch the tone young lady."

"He's your step father?" The boy asks and I glare at him. Nerd.

"Do you have a problem with that?" I spit back.

"Harry stop it. This is my friend Josh, we're working on a school project. Can you let us work?"

"This is my house too," I cross my arms against my chest.

"Fine, then we'll go work in my room—"

"No!" I stop them as she raises her eyebrows.

"I'll be out of your way. Just stay here... uh I don't think your mother would be too happy to know you brought a boy up to your room."

"Yeah..," she glares at me as a warning.

I make my way into the kitchen and take out a water bottle as I drink it all in one gulp. This girl is going to be the death of me.


Who does he think he is?

I look over as I watch them carefully that they don't see me. She smiles as she reads to him and he laughs.

"That's not how you say it," he chuckles.

"Yeah ha..," she giggles and he grabs the book from her hands as she tries to hold it back. My eyes widen as he hovers on her as she laughs.

Control yourself Harry...

"Stop that tickles!" She laughs as he's now tickling her. I clench my jaw and walk back into the kitchen not wanting to witness more. Project my ass.

He is so pathetic.

I sigh walking out and clear my throat as both get up.

"Uh I have to go," this Josh says.

"Sorry, I'll walk you out," Roxanne tells him. They put away the project stuff as she follows him out but not before giving me a glare.

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