December 1st- Preparations

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Canon Characters:

Amy looked at her checklist.

"Shadow? Did you get the tree set up yet?" She called from across the iroom.

"What tree?" Shadow looked out the window. "Sonic hasn't come back with it."

"What? He's the fastest thing alive! How is he not back yet?"

Smoke poured from the kitchen, setting off the fire alarm. The sprinklers in the ceiling started spraying, getting everyone soaked. 

Silver poked his head out of the kitchen. "Sorry! We overcooked the cookies! But for the record, it was Blaze."

"You were the one who set the oven to five hundred degrees! I was following the recipe in terms of time." Blaze was grabbing a fire extinguisher.

"Amy sounded like she wanted the cookies quick!" Silver held up his hands in defense.

From upstairs, they heard glass shattering. Outside, they heard a crash and a moan. An overturned Christmas tree could be seen from the window.

"Mister Knuckles, I told you not to throw the radio!" Cream walked down the stairs beside a guilty-looking Knuckles.

Amy and Silver stared at him in horror.

"Yeah, I think we should call an ambulance." Knuckles grabbed the phone off the wall.

"Hello? Is this 911? Yeah. We have a hedgehog emergency... Yes. It's Sonic... No. He was hit on the head by a falling radio... Eggman was not involved... Yes. I know radios don't just fall... I TOLD YOU EGGMAN WAS NOT INVOLVED! SONIC IS DYING AND WE NEED AN AMBULANCE!... DON'T CALL ME 'SIR' LIKE THAT.  NO, I'M NOT CRAZY! If you weren't the hospital people, I would murder you...  JUST GET THE DAMN AMBULANCE OVER HERE! Thank you." 

AU characters:

Amy looked over the checklist.

"The tree?" She looked over. Blaze had somehow gotten tangled up in the lights on the tree. "Blaze! Don't light the tree up! We'll get you down. Shadow, I think we'll need the wire cutters and probably the fireproof coveralls."

Silver came over with a plate of cookies in her hands. She dropped it at the sight in the living room. "Too late."

Sonic came into the room. "What's going on?"

"We're burning to death, thanks for asking." Shadow threw the coveralls to Amy.

"Oh. Sounds fun."

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