May 6th - The Lottery

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May 6th 

I hit the lottery on the first day of school.

I wait outside the principal’s office after meeting him to get my schedule. He promised he’d get a student to show me around before class, so I wait on the chair, picking at my nails.

And then she walks in and disappears into the principal’s office. She comes back out only a moment later and turns to face me, cradling her books.

Damn, she’s even prettier standing there in front of me than she was on the sidewalk.

 “Do you own a blue car by any chance?” she blurts out, snapping her mouth shut as soon as the words exit.

I feel my insides glow. She saw me too then.

 “Yeah. It’s a chick magnet, eh?” I smile. Shaking her head she blushes, and I get the impression she isn’t usually so bold.

“Follow me,” she says, already beginning to walk. “I’m Birdie.”


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