May 11th - The Book

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May 11th

Dad calls to see how we were. I talk to him for five minutes, giving him I’m fine, school is good and everything. Mom talks to him for a solid two hours, coming in and out of living room where I’m reading a book on writing poetry.

She gives me a quizzical look, but I shrug and keep reading.

I did a google search earlier about the best types of poetry – haikus, limericks, ballads, sonnets…there are just too many.

Some website called Wattpad turned up in the search and I cruised through it for a bit. There was some good stuff on there – probably better than what I can write. 

I know I need to put pen to page soon. The deadline isn’t that far off and I’m an A-class procrastinator.

At least I know the subject. I have one clear thought about my poem - I want it to be corny. 

little, little birdieजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें