He thought of something. He went to his drawers and searched through his memories to find a picture of him and his grandma. It was the only picture that looked nice but to make new memories, you have to let go some of the old ones. So Demo attached that picture with a paper clip, enclosed it in an envelope, placed it in the mail chute, and waited.


Demo waited near the doorstep everyday, hoping to get (Y/n)'s letter. Its been a week know and he thought this (Y/n) person might've gotten scared or something. But as he lost hope, the mail arrived again. He was lost in his own train of thought that Soldier nudged him from the side to hand him out a letter with a familiar handwriting. Demo thanked him, and Soldier just replied with a salute before walking away to wherever.

Demo opened the envelope and took out the letter. Out of the corner of his one good eye, he saw two pictures drop onto the floor. He picked them up and examined the pictures: one was the picture he attached to his letter and one showing a young lady with (f/c) hair and shining (e/c) eyes.

There was no mistaking, his letter buddy is beautiful.

He then proceeds to read the letter:

Dear Tavish,

I'm so glad you answered. For a while, I thought that the person who'd recieve the letter might think letter buddying is childish. You look really look cute, to be honest with you . Also, is that your mom? Or grandma? I think its best if you have the picture back. Looks like its really important to you so yeah, I sent it back. Also, attached is a picture of me, if you still haven't figured it out. Keep it if you wish! Anyway, how's it going there?

-Your Buddy,

Demo didn't know why, but he was relieved. He thought she'd find him weird. But (Y/n) was more acceptable than he thought she was.


Demo felt tired after a long day of battling with the (T/p). They lost and Soldier gave the team a hell of a speech. He even started nit picking, making it even harder to listen to him. But finally, Soldier dismissed the team and everyone went back doing their own thing while grunting out of irritation. Demo went to his room and gazed on the open letter that he recieved before they had their battle today. Honestly, he wasn't really focused on the battlefield earlier because he was thinking about the letter.

Dear Tavish,

How are ya today? Hope you're doing fine :) I've been thinking. We've been talking for a while now and I just want to know if you want to plan a meet up with me? I just really want to see you personally and hang out. Like, its fine if you don't want to but if you ever find time to do so, you can just hit me up okay? We can go out for coffee, or something like that.

-Sincerely Yours,
Your bud, (Y/n)

Demo reread it countless times already, trying to get it in his skull. He never actually thought of meeting (Y/n). He was already satisfied sending letters and photos. But meeting the lass is on a whole new level, nearly impossible. The Administrator doesn't allow anyone to leave, just a day off from fighting but that's it. Let's all pretend that it is a known fact. And that she won't be happy if she found out that he would be leaving. Their contract restricts them from leaving and they are bounded to the contract till death. He recalled about Medic: He told the whole team that he would sneak out of the base to see his wife, probably out of desperation. And the next morning, the team saw him all battered and bruised. When everyone asked him what happened, Medic just looked at his bruised arm and gave a confused look, "Vhere ze hell zid I get zis?" He croaked. "Didn't ya try to leave last night to see your wife?" Scout asked. "And vhy vould I do zat? Jou do know zat the Administrator vould catch anyone who tries to leave, ja? Especially zhose who do not ask for permission. And I have a wife?" The team gave him a look that is mixed with fear and confusion. What the hell did the Administrator do to him. But they have worse things to think about, "What should we tell his wife?"

Demo shuddered at the memory. He can end up like Medic. He would forget about (Y/n). But at the same time, if he gives a shot at this, he can start a new life and freely meet (Y/n).

Should Demo STAY or ATTEMPT ESCAPE, comment down below. Both would lead to a certain consequence...


I find this so bad but at the same time, happy that I finally have something to give to yall! Im giving yall a chance to help our little Tavvy here decide c: and feel free to tell me how much I suck, have a good holiday everyone! PS, I sound confused in typing this but it was worth a try, right??

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