Ch 8 - Steps (Mini)

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I thought I would spice everyone's weekend up just a hair with a mini chapter of humor. I'm feeling it. Chances are you're feeling it. Let's kick back and laugh a little. With some good fan service plot.

Couples have perks. Some is food, money, or looks. That's great and all but what about things? The certain things the people on the inside can help with. What can Ruby offer? We shall see.

Big shout to Jess and Jess who motivate me for this and Ry simply because he thinks it's cute.



(FN) was happy she had a goal to help her become a better person. But their were a few other things she wanted to  do and obtain. Certain things that would be difficult. And some a combination of lewd, concerning, forward, and rather romantic. She just recently for together with Yukari. As both were getting comfortable to show their affection little by little. However like most couples before they hit a peak have this boundary they are unwilling to cross. As (FN) was ready early she knocked on her girlfriend's door.

"Yukari?" She called.

"Hold on. Getting dressed."

"Another reason why I should be I  there." She giggled.

"Hey! Behave. What about the girls hearing you?" She slightly panicked from behind the door.

"Hear me how I like a certain girl I need to swap panties with?"

Yukari opens the door. "Shut up and get in here." She blushed. (FN) grinned and stepped in. As soon as Yukari closed the door she shook her head. "You know for a girl that hates boys you're perverted like one."

"Oh really?" She wrapped around Yukari and patted her rear. "I know you have had your own ideas. Wrong?"

"Fine. Not wrong." She shook her head. "You ready to go?"

"Can I have a kiss first?"

"I would hope." Yukari hugged her putting her face into the chest of (FN). "You're right. These are paradise."

"You know they are yours but we don't want to be late. And I don't want to change a fresh pair."

Yukari was concerned. Perverted and naughty herself but still a bit clueless. "Pair of what?"

"Soak my panties you will finish the job." She licked her lips and yanked Yukari's short hair. Then made lip contact. Mouths quickly locking as both tounges entered each other's mouths. Shortly then separated  before they could be light headed. (FN) proceeded with a spank. "Like I said Magigirl. Be careful. Now please let's get a move on."

I know we're together but I'm not sure if I'm moving too fast. I mean... well I was forward with Moka by fondling her. But the fact she wants me to make her panties wet is something new to me. What else is there as far as surprises go? I mean c'mon.

The witch was trying not to overthink think the situation at hand as they both side by side walked out of the dorms and to the main building where their friend Ruby would be sweeping the front courtyard and making sure things are in order. Catch 22 with Ruby is she's sweet yet devious. Devious I'm a few ways. The fact that she was dating a student, bends the code a bit, and this one another to add to the list.

Yukari let out a final yawn. "Morning Ruby."

"Why hello my magical friends. You seem cheery. Happy about you two and all."

(FN) smiled. "It's why you're my spirit animal. So I'm just preparing for an awesome day. Messed with Magigirl's head over here."

"Hey! You're just naughty."

Ruby just looked at both of them. Then giggled. "I see. Well then I have something to give to both of you." She reaches in her skirt pocket and pulls out two keys. She jingle and they are on one key ring. "Catch." She underhanded it to Yukari.

Yukari caught the shiny silver colored keys and examined them. "What's this for? Why two?"

Ruby smirked. "A copy for each of you."

Ruby must have just been out of if today, because she wasn't getting any of the hints. "Why do we need two keys?" She asked.

"Not two. It's one of each." She gave  (FN) the thumbs up.

Yukari blushed. "You mean..."

"Have fun." Ruby waved.

"Wait a minute. Isn't that breaking rules of some kind?"

"Making a copy for a student? No."

"Giving it to another student?"

"I cannot confirm that."

"So what's going on?"

"Simple. Have fun and cuddle. I got to go see Headmaster. See you around." And with that the wind blew in her hair as she walked away. Yukari stood there stumped. Just speechless.

"Ahhhhh Yui? Can I get the key?" She asked patting her head.

Yukari was trying to recover from that. "Yeah... here you go. Take mine I guess." She handed over the key ring while starring into Ruby walking out of sight. She shouldn't have. Well then. I guess it's off to class now. But honestly, why does come off as something in the category of crazy fantasy? Concerning.


Ruby you never fail. At anything really. You come in need, are friendly, and even open the door to girlfriend scenes (Yuri giggitty). Yukari needs to keep the Mage in check. She is in for it.

As always I hope all enjoyed, vote for more, comment freely, and as always have an awesome day cause you guys are the best and make this happen. Love you all.


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