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Dear friends,
there aren't very many of you. I know that isn't a bad thing.
I've known you guys forever, and sometimes I wish that, that forever was over already.
You guys are nice, when it's just the three of us. But when e add more people in to the mix, I feel like nothing more than a second choice.
You ask me why I'm being distant when we're with them, and I don't know how to tell you that you never let me talk.
When we're with them all you guys do is put other people down.
You've said things about people like "I love her, but she could use a big personality make over" and "I'm embarrassed to be her friend"
What would make you think such a thing? Why would you say something like that about a person.
I can act weird or different sometimes too, does that mean you say these things about me as well?
I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do because at this moment I can not stand all the negative things you have to say about people. But if I stop being your friend, I won't have any friends.

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