"hey skank whats a little dinner without a little entertainment to go along with it hmm?" I sassed out at her before she could say something to me.

" well I saw Caine come out here and this is where me and him use to go before your hoe ass got here so I came to meet him just like old times so I could watch him leave your ugly ass for my pretty one''

I snorted. the fact that maybe she did come out here with Caine a couple times bothered me. how could you take her here knowing there are so many memories with her and then take your mate here to make knew ones? it doesn't work like that.

" Jane don't listen to her she's lying''

I turned to face him and I saw the shock on his face like he couldn't believe what she had just said and I searched his face of any indication that she was lying, but I saw nothing, everything she said was true. except maybe him leaving me for her.

** well isn't this night getting better and better**

" listen Casey its time you leave, I think you've caused enough trouble for tonight and it would be an awful shame if trouble found itself imbedded in your skull tonight." I huffed out in the meanest tone I could muster but I know it sounded weak because my heart was slowly falling apart knowing that this place held memories for both Caine and Casey, memories I'll never be able to top or replace.

"Caine take me home I don't want tonight to happen anymore" I whispered out as a tear streaked down my face bringing a little mascara with it.

I slowly started walking back to the truck not waiting for him, I knew if I looked at him he'd see my pain filled face and want to explain to me that she meant nothing, but I didn't want to hear it right now, right now I just wanted to go home and crawl into bed and sleep this night off.

walking away I stopped and heard Casey's whiney voice mix with Caine's and I had to stop to listen.

" Casey there is nothing between us I never loved you and I never will, Jane is my mate and I will stop at nothing to make her happy, you need to back off and leave me the hell alone I don't want you I want Jane leave your Luna alone." I could hear the alpha tone lacing his words.

with a little triumph running through me now I marched myself back to the truck, hoisted myself into the truck and turned the keys in the ignition just so I could use the tunes. not to long after Caine came to the truck with an aggravated Casey hot on his heels clinging and begging on his arm to stay with her so they could go back to "their spot".

by now I've had enough and I stepped out of the truck. walking over to Casey I gripped her arm tightly and yanked her off of Caine.

"heads up bitch looks like trouble found its way to your face instead"

I brought back my fist and threw it forward with as much force as I could hitting her square in her face bloodying her nose and knocking her out cold. her nose split at the bridge and blood was coming out of it profusely.

but I hadn't felt bad, she deserved it. Caine looked at me bewildered but followed me as I got in the car. he hesitantly looked back at her before he drove off to take me home.


reaching home I grabbed my shoes and walked myself into the house. the entire car ride Caine tried talking to me but I held up my hand each time silencing him. he gave up after the tenth time.

with my shoes in hand I sauntered through the family room and up he steps to my room. tossing my shoes to the floor and immediately slipping off the dress I tossed it to my hamper wanting to get rid of tonight as soon as possible. I changed into a sports bra and some booty shorts and walked into the bathroom. stopping in front of the full length wall mirror to look at my mark in person.

running my hands over my smooth new mark I swept over my body taking in all the small fast healing cuts and bruises from tonight. I picked the leaves and twigs from my hair and tossed it up In a bun before taking off all my makeup and heading back into my room where I found a bouquet of flowers on my bed.

"dear peaches I'm sorry for tonight I can explain everything give me a chance, love as always Caine XOXOXO"

I placed the flowers on my night stand and figured they would make it through the night as long as I got them a vase and some water first thing in the morning.

sinking into bed I pulled the covers up to my neck and started to drift off to sleep.

just before falling asleep I heard my door open and close and then a couple footsteps across my floor before I felt a rough hand brush some hair off my face and caress my face.

" I love you Jane" Caine whispered in my ear as I felt the other side of my bed dip and I felt his arms wrap around my waist and tug me onto his chest.

I should have resisted and pulled away but I was so tired and all I wanted was my mate right now.

" I love you to Caine" I mumbled out before I was completely lost in my dreams.

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