The next day came quickly. Jimin wasn't in littlespace and was currently working on another assignment for school, which gave Yoongi the perfect opportunity to pick up the dog and needed essentials. He had done some researching earlier in the night and made a list.

"Babe, I'm gonna go get us some groceries. We're out of the juice boxes you like," he said, leaning on the door frame and watching Jimin's back as he scribbled away.

"Hyung! Don't talk about littlespace when I'm Big!" Jimin whined, turning to face his boyfriend. Even when he wasn't in his headspace, he still pouted and it was the cutest thing. "...But would you still get me some of those yogurt sticks?"

Yoongi chucked in amusement. "Of course, doll. Don't stress yourself too much on your work; take a break."

Jimin merely mumbled a reply so Yoongi turned to leave, grabbing the list he made for what the dog would need. Definitely a purple collar, and a leash with food bowls and food. Also a dog bed, because he doesn't want some fleabag taking up the bed and getting its hairs all over the duvet.

He got the dog necessities first, barely managing to find a purple collar like the one in Jimin's drawing. It had little white polka dots on it, but it would do.

He packed them up in the car, making his way to Seokjin's and Namjoon's. They didn't live in an apartment like him and Jimin, they had their own house on a pleasant road.

"Is this the Min Yoongi that's goin' to be taking home one of my babies?" A cheery, plump woman with wide eyes chirped, her grin almost splitting her cheeks in two.

"This is him," Seokjin said, holding his own dog. A white poodle mix with sharp teeth and fuzzy ears.

"Well, good thing you decided to have one. There were six and they went pretty fast, but I managed to keep one for you," she said, picking up a dog carrier and shoving it a little too eagerly in Yoongi's arms. "He's neutered and completely healthy, and I've also got you a coupon to get him micro-chipped."

"Ah, thank you," Yoongi nodded stiffly. The carrier in his hands wobbled, something inside was moving.

"Goodbye, then. My Daisy's going to miss her pups and as will I, but if you're a close friend of Seokjin-ah's then I know this little one's in good hands." The woman left, leaving only Jin and Yoongi in his living room with their dogs.

"She's...something," Yoongi mumbled, earning a chuckle from Seokjin.

"Well, aren't you going to greet your new puppy?" Seokjin peered through the entrance of the carrier, sticking one of his bendy fingers into the cage and cooing.

"Jimin's puppy. It's Jimin's," he corrected, shoving his hyung away lightly.

"Right. Go on then, best not keep Jimin waiting, and I better not keep Joonie waiting. He's-"

Yoongi grimaced. "I don't want to hear it, hyung. That is disgusting." Yoongi exited the house, leaving Jin stood alone and confused.

"-at the studio...I said I'd pick him up," Seokjin mumbled, shrugging when Jjangu looked up with his curious, beady eyes.

A big, fat red bow was stuck snug on top of the cardboard box with the fluffy little animal in, it occasionally rattling or shaking. There were holes in the side for it to breath, but Yoongi knew it was only a matter of time before it began yapping like it did in the carrier on the drive home.

He put the chicken nuggets and frozen foods away first but left the others out because Jimin would've heard he was back and come running, which he exactly did.

"You took forever, hyung," Jimin said gleefully, coming from the bedroom, only to halt in his steps at the sight of the box with the bow on. "What's this?"

"Looks like Santa came early 'cause you're such a good little boy," Yoongi smiled.

The older could tell by the way Jimin's shoulders slumped slightly and his eyes widened that he had slipped. "Jiminie a good boy?"

"Such a good boy. Are you going to open it, sweets?" Yoongi took a seat.

The younger wasted no time is taking the bow off and didn't even have to lift the lid of the box away because the puppy peeked his head out himself, knocking the cover to the side.

A high pitched squeal filled the apartment, startling Yoongi to jump. The poor animal whimpered too, staring at Jimin with wide and confused eyes but the boy made no notice an continued creating excited noises.

"A puppy dog!" Jimin picked up the fluffy brown dog. "Santa gots me a doggy, Daddy, lookie!"

Yoongi chuckled. "Well, I did tell him to get you one."

"Thank you, Dada! Minnie loves! He so cute!" Jimin sat beside his boyfriend with the puppy, leaning his head on his shoulder.

"Not as cute as you." Yoongi bopped Jimin's nose. "What are you gonna name him?"

"Min Holly!" Jimin giggled cutely, eyes still fixated on the ball of fur.

"Beautiful name."


honestly could've done a lot, lot better with the ending. this whole chapter's just a mess. with the news of jonghyun i wasn't really in the mood to write but i said this chapter would be out soon.

if anyone is struggling with anything at all, even the silliest of things, please come and talk to me because i'm always here. please do not bottle up your troubles bc the outcome is always tragic. talk to someone.

i don't think i can look at another idol who's laughing and smiling and think that's what they truly are, for all we know they could be going through a lot of crap and we wouldn't have a clue about it until it's too late.

please stay strong and healthy guys!

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