Library [Hidenori]

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"Shhh! Quite!" Tell the librarian to these two person. "Sorry.." She tried to hide her giggles.
"So, let me continue–" he, Hidenori to be exact, whispered to her "–He then start chocking on his mochi..!" He hold his laughter. So does [Y/N] until they can't hold it anymore and burst out laughing.
"THAT'S IT! You two. OUT. NOW." The librarian drive them out.
The two then gather their stuffs and walk out from the library. [Y/N] looked at Hidenori "Wow, we got kicked out". Hidenori snickered "We sure does". They then have a silent moment for a couple of seconds. "So.. We got kicked out from the library, where should we go next?"  [Y/N] asked. Hidenori think about it for a moment then, "How about, going to another nearby library?"
"Haha, good idea," [Y/N] smiled

They searched for another library and found one. Both walked in the library, fill the form and go search a place to sit. [Y/N] get all her textbook out. Meanwhile Hidenori pull out his comic.
"When will you stop reading a comic and start studying huh?" [Y/N] glances at Hidenori.
"Oh, maybe tomorrow," He said sarcastically
[Y/N] elbows Hidenori "Oh you!"
He fake his pain "Ow, you hurted me! How could you!" [Y/N] answered "Ouch, seems hurt."
"Like you hurt my heart when you don't know how I feel towards you–" Hidenori suddenly stopped his words and freezes.
[Y/N] looked at him "Um, Wow there."
"–forget what I said" he continues. [Y/N] closes her textbook and rest her head on her hand. "You sure you want me to forget those words?" She asked. Hidenori nods "Yes, no, yes, no–"
[Y/N] smiled at his embarrassed face "How cute you are hehe," she pokes his cheek, but suddenly
"Would you two please stop what you're doing?!–" the librarian shouts at them "–You're disturbing the people who's trying to read here, OUT!" She scolds them to walk their body out from here. Ah, both got driven out again for the second time today. Which library should we cause problem next?

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