Riverbank [Hidenori]

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"I'm kinda interested to him" [Y/N] explained to her friend. One of her friend ask her "What does he looked like?". [Y/N] blushed "He has brown hair, wears an eyeglasses, expressionless like face,..". Her friend stood up "YOU MEAN THE GUY FROM THE SANADA NORTH BOYS HIGH SCHOOL?????!!!!!"

[Y/N] blush more "EHH?? Y-you know him????" She then cover her face with her hands "I'm so embarrassed...". Her friend laugh "His name's Hidenori. Hidenori Tabata. He's always with his other two friend and they called themselves The Trio!". [Y/N]'s other friend suddenly shouted "HEYO CLASS, SHE LIKES SOMEBODY FROM THE SANADA NORTH BOYS HS!" She then pulled down by [Y/N] "Nooo... Why?? Don't tell the whole class!" She pouted.

They talked and giggled until the bell rang and it's time to go home. [Y/N] usually prefer walk herself to home alone. But, sometimes she likes to walk pass the riverbank to have a glance with the boy. But at that time, he's searching for a place to have his time alone. [Y/N] watch his every movement. Until the boy turns around and [Y/N] quickly look straight at the street she's walking. The boy looks right and left and sits down. Maybe he's just felt being watched. [Y/N] force her self to sit behind him little bit to the left and pretend like she didn't see's him.

At the other hand, Hidenori is ready to getting out his novel and suddenly a girl with [Y/H/L][Y/H/C] colour sat down behind him. His heart suddenly beating fast and decide to read his novel from the where he left. He couldn't read clearly because of the girl behind him. He wanted to look back but she will notice. He tried to call his friend with his mind but yeah, that won't work, why? Because it's not even real. Hidenori then close his novel and sigh. He put his novel back to his bag and just sit there watching the water flow slowly while making a plan to see the girl's face clearly. "So, the water looks so calming today huh?" Hidenori accidentally said that and tried to cool himself down. [Y/N] stunned that he suddenly tried to talk to her. She replied slowly "Ye... Yeah... The water looks.. so calm".

Hidenori heart is jumping up and down "Can I sit next to you?". [Y/N] internally gasp "Y-you could!". He stands up and walk his way to [Y/N] and sits next to her. [Y/N] stomach is very jelly right now. She even couldn't feel the wind passing through her. Hidenori then started "You know why I wanna sit next to you?". "Why?" She ask while looking at him. "Because I've been watching you walk your way to home alone next to this riverbank". "That's why I'm always sitting here. So you could know that I'm there" He smiled. Suddenly they heard someone shouts. "YO! YOU FORGOT TO TELL HER YOUR NAME AND ASK HER NAME!"
"BIG BROTHER!!!" He stands up and start to chase him to beat him once he finally catch his big brother. Yuusuke start running away from him. While a girl named [Y/N], just watch them chasing each other around. Btw, [Y/N]  is just sitting there and face pokering them.

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