chapter six

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I LOVE READING YOUR COMMENTS ON THIS STORY OMG YALL ARE SO CUTE, anyway my kik is the same as my wattpad username (unrestrictedlovers) so here, have some filler that surely won't be as funny as Calie's. xx Annie


Jane stood in front of the mirror in the dressing room adjusting the Spider-Man muscle tee and shorts combo. Lindsey had been complaining that the two hadn't spent the time together in "FOREVER!" It took some convincing for Jane to clamber from the comforts of her bed and the internet, but here she was. Shopping a.k.a Lindsey's only joy other than boys.

"Jane, tell me how this looks please?" Lindsey called from outside the dressing room.

Since she was the only one Lindsey trusted with her color vision, Jane was constantly getting sent texts or invited over to help the girl pick out outfits. Lindsey would always ask what color something was and if it was pretty. Jane found it funny the first few times, but now it was just obnoxious.

"Your shorts don't match your shirt." Jane laughed, looking at the yellow top and pink shorts combo.

"Dammit! This is the third one!" Lindsey yelled, exasperated. Jane just grinned and shook her head before turning to go change her clothes.

The same process happened a few more times with Lindsey getting more and more frustrated with every outfit. Jane finally gave up, taking a Lindsey's hand and making her pick out clothes and Jane would make sure the colors matched. An older lady near them laughed at the pair, obviously catching on that Jane could see color. She gave Jane an apologetic smile.

"Lindsey, I'm hungry. Let's just go." Jane sighed, following the blonde around the store. A loud whine of "10 more minutes Janie!" Slipped from Lindsey's mouth. With a loud groan and possibly some foot stomping, Jane trudged after Lindsey.

Jane's cellphone buzzed in her pocket for what seemed like the 30th time that day. She had been ignoring it, giving Lindsey her undivided attention, kind of. But now it seemed like it was never going to end. She looked at her screen, seeing the little blue bird icon and the notification stating that "@neve_rouge and 9 more followed you!" flash on her screen, along with six or seven other notifications like it.

Out of sheer curiosity Jane opened twitter and went to her profile. Her face lit up at the sight if where only 167 people followed her she had racked up nearly 400 followers. Of course it was because the boys had followed and tweeted her nonstop in the last few days. /so is this what it's like to be famous?/ Jane laughed to herself. Her mentions were piling in, fans commenting about 'Jashton is perfection!' or 'Jane is absolutely gorgeous!' which brought a happy smile to her face.

"Jane! Hello!" A hand was in front of her face, snapping loudly.

"Yeah, hi I'm Jane." She answered lamely.

"Are you getting those?" Lindsey pointed at the tshirt and shorts in her hands. Jane looked down at the clothes, only now remembering she was in public.

"Oh...yeah I guess so." Jane shrugged and locked her phone again. Lindsey strutted to the cashier, throwing down her large pile of clothing. The girl eyed the pile and then Lindsey, rolling her eyes and proceeding to scan the excessive barcodes.


With a Chickfila bag in hand, Jane and Lindsey scanned the food court looking for a table. Obviously after school Friday was a terrible time to go to the mall. Lindsey's tall frame was beneficial though, allowing the scouting to go quickly. Lindsey squealed, pointing to an empty table on the other damn half of the room. A brisk walk - or jog it's hard to tell with Lindsey - resulted in a heavy breathing Jane holding onto the back of the chair, tossing the bag of nuggets and fries on the table.

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