Chapter Ten

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It's been 4 months since me and Jong Up's honeymoon and the frightening encounter. I don't even want to think about it ughh. Anyways, 4 months left till our contact becomes invalid. I don't think I would want that moment to come because I've realised my feelings. I like Moon Jong Up.

Today is another ordinary school day and I got up early. I should confess to Jong Up sooner. I was walking along the corridor when Ji Eun came up to me.

"Suzy ya, have you seen Zelo? I've been trying to contact him all day but he hasn't answered me. I'm worried!" cried Ji Eun. 2 months ago, Ji Eun and Zelo started to date and Zelo confessed to Ji Eun first.

"Geokjeongma Ji Eun ah. I'll help you. I'll try and call Zelo with my number" I said and started to dial Zelo's number. However after 5 rings he didn't pick up.

"Ommo eotteokhae?" ask an anxious Ji Eun.

"Let's go to his house" I suggested and Ji Eun nodded. The moment school ended, we grab our stuff and headed for Zelo's house. We rang the doorbell and bang the door but nobody answered. Weird.

"YAH CHOI ZELO! OPEN THE DOOR!" I shouted but still nothing. Arghh seriously where is this guy?! Just then, my phone rang. I was hoping it was Zelo but it turned out to be Jong Up.


"Yah Suzy ya neo eodiya? I saw you ran out of school with Ji Eun. What's going on?" ask Jong Up.

"Mianhae Jong Up ah but we're now at Zelo's house. He isn't answering our calls" I said and Jong Up remained quiet.

"I uhh will help you. I'll call you later" said Jong Up and he hung up. Weird. But I shrug it off.

"Let's ask his neighbors. Maybe they know something. Geokjeongma Ji Eun ah" I said, trying to comfort Ji Eun who is silently sobbing. She is still a soft-hearted and sensitive girl despite her knowing martial arts and acting all tough.

"Gomawo Suzy ya and mianhae. For you to go through this trouble" said Ji Eun while wiping her tears. We started to ask Zelo's neighbors but they all have no idea where or what happen to him. Just then, Jong Up called again.

"Yeobuseyo Jong Up ah, did you manage to find him?"

"Ani but I have something to tell you and Ji Eun. Where are you girls now?" he ask.

"We're around Zelo's neighbor place"

"Geureom let's meet up at Coffee Bay" he said and hung up. Me and Ji Eun dashed for Coffee Bay and we saw Jong Up.

"Zelo contacted me and he wants me to tell you girls that don't bother looking for him" said Jong Up which caused Ji Eun to grab his collar.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY DON'T BOTHER LOOKING FOR HIM?! WHERE IS HE?!" ask a violent Ji Eun. I held back Ji Eun and she finally calmed down.

"Mianhae Jong Up-sshi, I didn-"

"Gwaenchanayo. I understand. Zelo told me that his entire family migrated to California and they left last night. Zelo didn't want you to worry so he only told me" explained Zelo and Ji Eun broke into tears.

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