chapter 21

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I woke to a very warm embrace wrapped around me.I smiled knowing who it was and just cuddled closer into his arms before going back to sleep for a little bit longer or was about to but the upset stomach had me change my mind and I quickly and quietly climbed out of his arms and the bed before heading into the bathroom and emptied my stomach of every single thing it held.

Paul walked in and held up my hair and rubbed my back as I continued to empty my stomach an just heave after words before I slowly stood up wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and flushed the toilet then walked over to the sink and washed my hands then washed and rinsed my mouth.

After I was done Paul pulled me into his arm and hugged me before he bent down and lifted me up into his arms and carried me bridal style into the bed room and laid me back in bed before he walked out of the room and did what ever he was doing.

I slowly got out of bed and made my way downstairs and watched him make me some breakfast.I slowly sat down in the chair and watched as he moved around the kitchen getting different things then go back to the stove.

I laid my head down on the table and closed my eyes  and tried to relax from the after puking session.

"You ok?"he asked quietly as he sat the plate in front of me then turned the stove off

I slowly lifted my head and wiped the tears the slipped.

"It's now or never"the voice said and braced my self for the outcome.

"Hey now it's ok"He said walking over to me and holding me in his arms and rubbed my back.

"I have to tell you something Paul"I finally spoke up

"You can tell me anything you need to"he replied

I looked at him and took a deep breath

"I am pregnant."

He looked at me then sat down in the chair in front of him.

"I know it's sudden and that we are still young.and I understand if-"

"Baby I am happy that you are pregnant,I am not upset or anything."he said when he cut me off

I looked at him and watched him smile before standing back up and walking over to me and pulls me up into his arms making me smile.Then he kissed me and his hand rested on my still flat stomach.

"I can't believe it.I am gonna be a dad"

"Well you have seven months to start"

he looked at me and smiled

"So your still in your first trimester?"

"no I am two months along.but I still have to be careful with the things I do from lifting or simple things"

he just nodded his head and pulls back.

"Well lets get you two feed before the food gets two cold then we will go and celebrate"

I chuckled and sat back down and started eating the omelette he had made me with some hash browns.

Once I was done and Paul washed all the dishes before drying his hands off and lifting me up into his arms and taking me back upstairs and back to bed.

"That was really good breakfast.thank you for cooking it for me"

he stripped nude and crawled into the bed with me and got under the covers with me.

"You are more then welcome baby girl"

I cuddled up close to him and smiled as I laid my head on his chest.

He took his time stripping me then laying me on my back and pleasuring me to the brink of all orgasms.By body arched up and shook as the orgasm shook my body before he reached his.

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