chapter 14

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We arrived just as everyone else did.

"Just in time huh?"

"Right on time"

I climbed out of the truck and walked around the front and waited for Paul to climb out.He got out and walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my cheek.


I nodded and grabbed his hand before heading over to the other that was playing around getting ready to play soccer.

Jared whistled and called Paul over to join in.

"Yea come on Paul we need another player to join in and make the teams even"Quil said looking over.

"Go on I am gonna go and talk with Emily"I told him

"You sure?"he asked

I chuckled

"Yes.go play with your pack."

He gave me a quick kiss then took off over to the guys and they started laughing about different things,and made jokes about what they normally do.While I headed over and started talking with Emily before she excused her self to go and grab the things to get ready for the campfire.

I noticed a guy I never met before so I walked over and took a seat on a rug type cover on the log next to him.

"Hi I am Ember"I said catching his attention

He looked at me and smiled

"Your Paul's imprint that I have heard about?"he asked

I smiled and nodded.

"That would be me"I replied

"Well it's nice to meet you I am Billy Black Jacob's daddy"he replied

I shook his hand.

"It's nice to finally meet you"

"You to Ember"

"I hear you know they legends stories like that back of your hand"

he smiled

"I guess you could say that.since  I have told the stories so many times I practically can say it in my sleep."

I smiled

"but that is the fun part of things that you know or are interested in"

"Yea that is true"he nodded and looked out at the water.

"Seems to make one as calm as the waves"

"It's as if it's a gentle storm blowing by"

"As if it's waiting for the perfect moment to change and become a powerful storm that will wake the quiet."

He looked from the beach to me and smiled while nodding his head in agreement.

"It never seems to fail that the waters are calm before they release their anger"

"You must love water?"

"It soothes me and make me forget everything bad in my life"

"yes I heard about your family and I am truly sorry about your lose"

I partly smiled

"thank you Billy"

he simply nodded his head before turning back to the water.

We all gathered around the fire and  cuddled up to our mates/imprints roasting marshmallows and making s-mores as we listened to Billy tell the story of the legends.

It's nothing that I have read in the books about the Quileute tribe and their legends from how it all came to be up till how they are now.Now that I hear the stories about the Quileute tribe and all the shape shifters I finally understand the full meaning of it all and not just the bits and pieces that was written and published for all else to learn.

After the stories was told Billy left heading home while everyone sat there quietly and just enjoyed each other presents.

Well that was until the sound of twigs breaking

"Blood sucker"Jared said standing up leaving Kim sitting down.

"Jared you,Quil and Embry go check it out the rest of you get the women back to mine and Emily's place."Sam said

"NOW"he ordered using his alpha tone to make people do as they are told.

Seth got Kim and the other Women up and into Sam's truck while Jacob and Sam followed Jared,Quil,and Embry into the woods.

"Come on baby lets go"Paul said helping me to my truck

"Thank you"I said unlocking the door and getting in.

Paul was quick to get into the truck and take off heading toward Sam's and Emily's  breaking the speed limit just to get me there safely and quickly.

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