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  • Dedicated to good neighbors

Now, if you haven’t heard of Dale before,

My annoying neighbor who lives next door,

I promise you that this won’t be a bore.

He’s been up to his old antics and more,

Those habits of his that I do abhor,

And lately he’s developed more and more.

You can’t imagine what I have in store.

Oh, just wait a second; he’s at my door.

I’m back, he was asking about the shack.

He had seen some trespassers out the back.

He wanted to be helpful for a change.

I’m rather suspicious; I found it strange

That he would notice what happened out there.

This is the only time he seemed to care.

Perhaps he’s discovered my Wattpad site

And it’s given him a bit of a fright.

He might have read THAT DAMN NEIGHBOR OF MINE.

It would have sent shivers right down his spine.

That’s probably helped to keep him in line,

Wondering what I will write the next time.

He asked for what purpose I use the shack,

Wondered if he could use it to store crack.

Can you believe he would ask to do that

Without even letting his eyelids bat?

Imagine if the cops heard about that.

They’d be raiding my shack in no time flat.

Very soon they would be hot on his tail

And I’d have to worry about blackmail.

Oh no, I don’t intend to get involved.

It’s up to him how his problems are solved.

I’d better go back there to check the door

And I’ll take Jake with me; that is for sure

To see what damage those trespassers did.

Could they have found some of the booze I hid?

Yikes! What was that awful, deafening roar?

I’ll take a quick look out of the front door.

It seems that the driver of the school bus

Has just narrowly missed hitting poor Gus.

Whew! Dale really has quite the nerve.

Such a cute dog, he doesn’t deserve!

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2014 ⏰

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