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Every time I think of you
My heart begins to race
For darling, I fell in love with you
And you said you did too
But you have shown that
It was all a lie

I'm sorry I wasn't enough,
I say trying not to show my tears
It's not you, it's me,
You try to convince me
But darling, if I had been enough
You wouldn't have noticed her

Forever and always
I've told you many times
Each time, I meant it
Much more than the last
How long was it a lie
When you said it back?

All those times
That you had disappeared
Were you really with her?
All those times you claimed
You were babysitting
Was it all a cover so I wouldn't be suspicious?

I can't be too mad at you
Since I still can't find myself
To let go of forever and always
So all I feel is heartbreak
Because I couldn't be enough for you
So all I can do is ask

When did it become a lie?
When was I not enough?
When did she catch your
Beautiful eyes, taking them from me?
And next is why?
Why did you keep going?

Why did you keep lying?
Why did you keep saying
Forever and always when you knew
That it wasn't enough?
Why, why, why?
I ask as I'm breaking and you're kissing her

The Gateway To My Mind // #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now