My first love

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At first you don't even notice. You don't question what has happened or what is happening, because to you, it all feels the same. The length of days feel ordinary as you drag yourself to school and back. Food tastes the same and you sleep silently at night. You don't breath any faster or bat an extra eyelash. At first you don't notice. Unaware of the spell that has been cast over you. An umbrella has covered everything you thought you knew about life. All of a sudden, seven billion people in the world become two.

A new feeling occurs that is without comparison or familiarity. It's an addiction that consumes your mind, and takes over every time you try and think of something other than their face. Like discovering a sixth sense, your perception of the world is dramatically opened in an explosion of euphoria. You notice the grass has never been so green, or the summer sun so warm. The scent of pollen and hay inflame your airwaves with a refreshing twitch. How you never noticed so much beauty in the world before starts to embarrass you. You immediately feel grateful for everything you have and everything you dream to have. How can one person make me feel so much?

Is this love that I'm feeling? Am I falling down the rabbit hole? I feel like I can never return to the person that I once was.

And although it never crosses your thoughts, you are doing the exact same thing to them. Now the length of days stretch, hours feel like decades as you wait to see them again. Food has never tasted so flavoursome and sweet. Your dreams are filled with idyllic scenes of romance and slow dancing, replaying over and over in your head. Your breathing slows down as you embrace each other, never wanting anything more than to be frozen in this moment.

A first love warms the heart the most. Every kiss a dream. Each second an infinity.

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