I'll take it

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Sometimes I can't stand the way you are when you get angry. When you breath deeply and clench fists in the air, like you're fighting something imaginary. At times you are spoilt, and you don't speak to me if things don't go your way. I feel offended when you would rather spend the day with your parents than with me. And sometimes in the quietest hours of the night feelings of doubt seem to flood my thoughts. I question if you even care about me as much as I care about you, and I wonder if there is anything else to offer.

But if this is all you can offer, then I'll take it. Because I see something inside you that I've never seen in anyone else. Shining like a pendant in the mud, I see through all things unimportant and I remember why I want you. In this swamp infested bog of life, I see you -- a shimmering glimpse of perfection.

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