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As it turns out, Lucas Idrium was not a man of his word. He didn't return, not for another three days. I sit in my cell, waiting, but he doesn't come. No one does and after only a few hours I'm reminded of the story that Alex told me. That a person could live over twenty-one days without eating, and I'm sure that the mean to keep me there for as long as they can... maybe longer, even. It occurs to me that mine and Alex's conversation was undoubtedly overheard and I have to wonder if I'm being tested... if my resolve is being threatened.

And for three days, I'm certain of it.

But the Lucas arrives, wearing that cocky smile of his and absurdly, I'm actually glad to see his thin, pinched face at my door. Not glad enough, though, that I don't shoot him a glare when he slips inside.

"Hey there, Wifey. You ready to to do this?"

Rolling my eyes, I shake my head and remain in place on my cot, "You and I need to talk." I say, and his brow lifts, as he leans against the door frame.

"Talk, huh? You're one of those chicks, then?"

"Just... shut up and listen, would you? I don't buy it... that you're so comfortable with this deal. Not for a second. You were glad, the other day, when I fought you off. Probably hoping I'll do the same today, so you've got another excuse to leave early. My guess? There's somebody you got that you'd much rather play house with. Am I right?"

He frowns, falls strangely silent, but it's the confirmation I'm looking for, "...That's what I thought. I get it, Lucas, I do. Gideon and I... it was never supposed to happen, but it did. And before that, there was Alex. And I would've done anything to keep either one of them safe. But this? This is wrong... and you know it. This is her... playing with our lives, like we're some kind of puppets, and the people we're protecting, what good does it do them, if this is the end result, anyway?"

Nervously, he licks his lips, looks down at his feet, "Jarr'll hurt her."

"You really believe that? That she'd throw away a trump card like that, so soon? It's only gonna work once, Lucas."

"And what if this is that once? What if..."

"She won't kill them. She needs the leverage."

"How are you so sure about this? What if you're wrong?"

"Then none of us has much hope. You think any of us are gonna get out of here, Lucas? Following their rules? You think they're just gonna let us walk out the door some day? Maybe if we... promise not to tell anyone what they put us through? Who they are? Wake up. We were never meant to survive this. That was never part of their plan. It still isn't. No matter how much you play along."

"No... you're probably right." Shaking his head, he kicks off the frame, "But what other choice is there, Cruz? Cause as I see it, this is the only way to keep me and the people I care about alive... even if it's only a little longer."

"Not if you fight back..."

"You're crazy."

"Am I? We did it before... Only reason we got caught again is because we separated from the rest of the group... got lost. But that doesn't mean we can't do it again."

"You realize they're listening, right?"

"Lucas... Don't you get it. I don't care. I don't care if they can hear every damn word. I'm not afraid of them, I refuse to be. They have taken parts of my life that I will never get back. People that I loved. But I am not going to give in and let them take all of me. And you? You don't seem like the type to fold, either. So help us..."

"Yeah? And how do you expect me to do that..."

Looking up at the camera in the corner of the room, I smile faintly, "...We've got a plan. One they'll never see coming."

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