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January 4th, 2019

Standing outside in the torrent of snowfall, there is but one thought in my mind. My hands are bound and Gideon's beside me, and three men, soldiers, wait with us, guns primed and ready. Our mission won't really begin until we've entered, until we're taken captive again, but in my mind I'm ready. We've worked hard and worked fast to get here and our focus has been clear. This is our chance, the only one we may get and I am fully prepared to do what it takes. Eden Laboratories stands before us, a behemoth of metal and cement and glass against the white backdrop.

We've trained, we've planned. We are as prepared as we can be. Gideon gives the soldiers the signal we've practiced and they start us down the hill to Eden's front door. My mind reflects over the last few weeks, and all that Donner has taught us. So much of what we're about to do relies on our mental strength, more than the physical abilities we possess, but more than that, we will need to be patient. Not a strength of mine, I know.

We arrive at the doors and one of the guards presses the comm button, and a few seconds pass before a voice echoes through the intercom box.

"Eden Labs, how can we help you?"

"We need to speak with your director immediately." The soldier responds.

"What is this concerning?" The voice asks, a little too chipper, a little too bright.

"...We've got something that belongs to you folks."

There is silence for a moment, then a shuffling, whirring sound and I glance up to see one of the mounted security cameras swinging in our direction. It pauses, then twists back and the voice returns.

"...One moment, please."

A few seconds pass, and then there is a click and a buzz and the door swings open. Getting past the door... that was our first challenge. It's a small triumph, but a triumph we'll take.

The guards usher us inside and the voice over the intercom chimes, the brightness gone, "Wait here, please."

Several minutes pass, and to quell my anxiety, I inch carefully, discreetly closer to Gideon's side. I feel his shoulder brush my own and while he says nothing I can almost hear him telling me to relax. To breathe. Finally, the doors opposite us open and through them I see her. The dark haired woman. Dana Jarr herself. She approaches and her lips, painted a dusty rose, tip in a smile too warm to be anything but phony. She looked to me, to Gideon and nods to the guards. Directly behind her, two guards stand at the ready and to her right, a mouse of a man waits, dwarfed by her height and her presence. His eyes remain focus, trained on the guns of the soldiers behind me and now and again he seems to twitch, anxiously.

"Thank you, gentlemen. This... well, this is quite the surprise. My lost little sheep. How glad I am that you've returned them to me. If you'll all follow my assistant, he'll see to it that you're properly compensated, for your... contribution to our organization. Thank you. Adam?"

The small, skinny man nods and gestures and Donner's men, lowering their weapons follow him through the door. Jarr's guards take their place and with a small smirk, she reaches out, pats my shoulder. I want to rip myself free of the binds and tear out her throat, but I clench my jaw, stand in place.

"Ms. Cruz... Mr. Bastian. Seven and nine... My, my... The prodigal babies, home again." Moving, she steps around us in a small, slow circle, before addressing her guards, "Take them below. I'll be down shortly... "

With a shove, we're pushed towards the door and moving forward, I can feel my chest knit as I'm reminded suddenly of our escape. Of all that happened that day. In my head I can see him, Alex, see the bullet crash into his chest, see him go over the railing. Then my mind twists, returns to visions of the press conference, of Alex standing beside the hateful woman we've just left. I know, inexplicably, what she plans to do with us... It isn't enough that she's made us what we are, she means to turn us into drones... to make us complacent and mindless. Sheep, she called up... little lost sheep, and to her, that is truly what we are.

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