Chapter 7

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Becky's POV

A light flickered on and off the turned on again.

It was an old lamp and fire place.

The room I was in was a scalene triangle shape with a ceiling that slanted upright so one side was higher than the other. The chimney was made of stones plastered together by concrete.

"Well this is just great now we're stuck in here!" someone next to me shouted. It was the red masked turtle from earlier.

"Wait listen" I said.

I pressed my wolf ears against the wall and heard Laura talking.

"We're in here!" I shouted. Unfortunately for me I could only hear through the wall and no one on the other side could hear me.

"Got any other plans missy?" the turtle asked smugly.

"This is not the time for attitude," I paused wondering what his name was.

"Raph" he said.

"Well you know what I was trying to say" I said and sat down on the little sofa in the room. It was a tannish color and dust exploded all around me when I sat down.

I coughed wildly.

"Nice going genius" Raph said.

"I have a name" I grumbled.

"And what is that?" raph asked.

"Becky, my name is Becky" I said.

"Fine, Becky," raph said putting emphasis on my name,"how do you suppose we get out of here?"

I stood up and walked around the room. I stopped at the book case.

"OH! I seen this in mystery novels all the time! pull out the right book and the door will open!" I said.

"You like mystery novels?" raph asked.

"Yeah why?" I asked.

"Now I've never told my brothers this but I like them too" he said.

"Well that surprises me I didn't think you'd be the type to read," I said pulling books out of the book case, "being a jock an all" I said.

"Well I feel good about myself now don't I" he said sarcastically.

"Sorry" I said.

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