Mutant school (remake)

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Amber's POV

The sound of clanking metal could be heard throughout the gym.

My sister Becky shifted her wolf ears back.

I've heard these sounds millions of times before it was no big deal.

"Becky are you gonna just stand there or are you gonna help me?" I asked.

We were doing rock climbing today in New York city's school for mutants.

"Hey! Laura, Tina! you guys going to the carnival on the boardwalk tonight?" Becky asked taking hold of the safety line.

"Duh! It's gonna be awesome!" Tina, the crazy one answered.

"Tina please" Laura, the smart one, said to her little sister.

"Laura don't tell me your not going" I said.

"Fine I'll go, I'm lucky to have friends like you or I'd probably just stay inside all day" Laura said.

"Tina! race you to the top!" I shouted.

"Amber..." Becky warned, "be careful"

"I've done this a thousand times with dad and Chris I'll be fine" I said.

Chris was Becky and I's bother of a older brother.

He has brown hair like everyone else in our family and brown eyes like Becky and my dad. My mom and I have blue eyes.

Tina readied her lizard feet for jumping onto the rock wall while Laura wrapped her lizard hands on the safety line.

"3..." Becky said.


"1!!!!!" I shouted and jumped clutching the pieces of rubber on the wall.

I made it to the top first and grabbed the flag at the top.

"Hey Tina guess who's gonna win?" I asked as she reached the top.

I waved the flag and braced myself and jumped off, landing on the floor.

Tina landed shortly after.

"Sorry Tina" I said.

"It's ok I'll get you next time" she said.

I went to return the flag to the teacher then...


I looked up and saw a turtle with a blue mask and eyes to match.

"Oh my gosh I am sooo sorry" he said.

"No it's my fault I wasn't looking where I was going" I said.

"I'll go this way" we said together and went the same way.

"I'll try this way" we said again, blocking each others paths again.

"You go this way I'll go that way" he said.

We eventually got to where we wanted go.

Leo's POV

I walked back over to my brothers were Mikey was finally done with the rock wall.

"So who's the girl? and is she in the foot this time?" raph asked.

"Geez you make one mistake in your life" I said.

"Well come on its time to go home any way" raph said and walked out of the gym.

On the way out I looked over at the girl I bumped into earlier.

"So do you like her?" Mikey asked in a whisper.

"N-n-no" I lied.

"Dude you suck at lying" Donnie said as we left.

Mutant school (remake)Where stories live. Discover now