Chapter 6

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Amber's POV

I felt around in the darkness, looking for something that could get me out of here or an exit.

I saw a torch in the distance so I ran over to it, picked it up out of its little socket in the wall and turned around to see what was behind me.

"Woah!" A familiar voice said jumping back. It was the turtle that I bumped into in gym class today.

"Sorry I almost set you on fire" I said moving the torch far away from the turtle in question.

"It's ok it's not like you knew I was here" he said. His eyes seemed to sparkle in what little light we had.

"So...," I said putting the torch back

on the wall, "stuck in a hole this is exactly how I wanted to spend my Friday night" I said.

Leo's POV

"Yeah but we can figure something out" I said.

"Crap I'm not smart, how am I supposed to think of a way out!"she said. I laughed.

She was so cute and funny...wait-wait-wait what!? what am I thinking!?

I have to keep a level head...

"So lets look around" I said.

"Look for what? it's pitch black everywhere but here" she said matter-o-facticly.

"Oh...yeah that's gonna be a problem" I said.

"Well wanna play 20 questions while we wait for an idea to come to us?" she asked.

"Sure" I said.

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