Being Accosted by Someone at the Ball...

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Sebastian and I are at the ball, which my friend is holding it at her manor. 

"My lady, would you like anything to drink?"

"Sure, get me some black tea."

"I'll be back right away."

After Sebastian leaves, a man comes talking to me.

"Hi, may I say you look beautiful tonight."

"Well, thanks."

"Would you mind telling me your name?"

"Why should I? You haven't tell me your name yet."

("Stupid guy!" I thought to myself.)

"My name is not so important, I just want to know yours."

"What if I refuse!?"

"Please just tell me!"

"Sir, my lady has already refused."

Sebastian suddenly appears and stands between me and that guy.

"This is none of your business!"

"I'm afraid it is, I am her butler."

"Just get out of my way!"

"You don't talk to him like that!"

I said loudly to the guy.

"I'm not interested in knowing someone impolite like you! Just leave us alone! Sebastian, let's leave!"

"Yes, my lady."

I turn my head a little when we walk to the front door, and see that guy walks away embarrassingly.

We are back to my manor. I finish taking shower and go to my bed.

"Such an idiot! I hate being accosted!"

"Ha ha, that's because my lady is so pretty."

"I'm not a showpiece!"

"Of course you're not..."

Sebastian kisses me dearly that makes me moan.

"My lady is my lady, nothing can change you..."

He slips off one side of the top of my nightgown and gently touches my breast.


"My lady makes me unable to stop every time."

He takes both of our clothes off and can't wait to thrust into me. I can strongly feel his love while he's thrusting. We both moan until achieving orgasms. He takes it out and comes laying beside me.

"Not upset anymore?"

"Sure, not anymore. Only my crow makes me happy all the time."

"Well, of course. 'Cause only I can truly understand you..."

Both of us laugh. He pulls up the blanket to cover us and we soon fall into deep sleeps. I don't care what others think; I'm in love with my butler, whose real identity is a demon.  

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