Kevin smiled and chuckled "Would you know if my Mom is off for Friday night? I have a big game then..."

"We all have Friday night off! We'll be cheering you on from the stands!" Miriam grins.

"Really??? Awesome! That'll be a relief, I won't have to worry so much about if Edd is sitting alone or not!" Kevin turns to Edd. "See babe? You won't be alone Friday night!"

Edd sighs and rolls his eyes a little. "I get attacked once and now all of a sudden everyone is worried about me sitting alone."

Miriam freezes and a worried look crosses her face. "What?...I never heard about this."

"Just some bullies, ma'am... All taken care of. And it's not just from students that I'm worried about, babe."

Miriam sighs "That's right, Charles is still lurking around. You almost don't feel safe in your own home... Your father was talking about an upgraded security system and maybe a canine companion is an option?"

"We've warmed up to the idea... We had many animals around us and don't mind it so much anymore. It will be your responsibility to properly train them and take them for walks. Your father and I will help but it will be mostly on you. We have a deal?"

"Kevin? What do you think?" Edd asks nervously.

"I think it's a great idea!" Kevin grins around a mouthful of food.

"I mean... Do you think we can raise it... together?" he blushes and tries to hide his face from his boyfriend.

"I insist on it" Kevin agreed, already thinking about all the fun they can have during the warmer months and how nice it will be to be able to take a run and not freak everyone out.

Edd smiles brightly then turns to his mother. "In that case, we have a deal mother!"

"When did you want to go get your puppy?"

"I'm not sure. Maybe next week? That's a lot of responsibility and a lot of new faces in the house..." Edd though out loud while running numbers and budgeting for food and toys in his head.

"We can look around online at some of the shelters and see what they have" Kevin smiled and was happy because Edd was happy. "I'm just glad I get to see that smile again."

Edd smiles and gets up to hug Miriam. "Thank you, Mother."

Miriam stiffens slightly in shock before smiling and hugging her son back "You're welcome, Eddward."

He smiles softly and sighs before slowly letting her go. "I really appreciate this."

"It's not a problem, dear. The bit of added security is nice, and she could be a great deterrent! Whenever you're ready, let me know!"

"I shall Mother!" he cheers happily. Michael walks in right at that moment and is nearly tackled by his child. "Welcome home, Father!"

"Oomph! Er- thank you, son" Michael hugs Edd back and shoots a confused glance to Miriam.

"He's happy about getting his puppy" Miriam calls from the kitchen. Glancing at Kevin, she flashes a smile "Think we did pretty good?" she whispered.

"Good job, Mr. And Mrs. Vincent" Kevin grinned back before turning his attention to Edd chattering away with his father.

"I see your mother has told you about the decision to add a new member to the family" Michael chuckles as Edd sniffs into his father's shirt. "Hey, hey, don't cry. Why are you crying?"

"Because all I've ever been allowed to have is Jim!" he wails.

"I think you're plenty old enough for a new level of fun" Michael grins.

The Beginning of ForeverWhere stories live. Discover now